Saturday - Sunday, November 9 - 10
Watercolor Landscape
Instructor: John Hewitt
Basics of watercolor as applied to landscape painting and elements and principles of design.
Saturday - Sunday, November 2 - 3
Introduction to Weaving
Instructors: Jennie Henderson & Gerda Randolph
Weaving samplers on the small tapestry loom provided,
you will learn the basics of weaving.
Friday - Sunday, November 1 - 3
Yoga In the Redwoods
Instructor: Janet MacLeod
The classes during this workshop will be taught in the tradition of
B. K. S. Iyengar.
Saturday - Sunday, September 21 - 22
Silk Painting, Beginning and Beyond
Instructor: Joy Lily
Silk painting is a happy hybrid of watercolor and batik.
Wednesday - Thursday, September 18 - 19
Fusing Fun: Fast, Fearless Art Quilts
Instructor: Laura Wasilowski
Fusing is free form art making at its best.
Tuesdays, September 10 - October 15
Memoir Writing: Memories to Art
Instructor: Ida Egli
For those of us wanting to write the stories of our lives, this class is the place.
Thursday - Friday, July 25 - 26
Stunning Abstracts with Soft Pastels: An Experimental Workshop
Instructor: Mira White
We are going to have a great time working with soft pastels in a variety of experimental ways.
Tuesday - Friday, July 9 - 19
Summer Art Program for Youth
Multiple instructors
All children are invited to participate in the Summer Art Program for Youth, sponsored by Gualala Arts. This program has been extremely popular in its past 20+ years.
Monday, July 8 & Monday, July 15
Masks, Monsters and Masterpieces
- for kids ages 8 to 18
Instructor: Rusty Potter
Students will be able to make their own African masks.
Friday - Sunday, June 28 - 30
Garden Sculpture with Darjit
Instructor: Jennifer McGee
Create beautiful sculptural art and participate in the power of recycling cultural waste using Darjit, an innovative architectural sculpting compound made primarily from recycled paper and clay.
Saturday - Sunday, June 8 - 9
Back to the Basics: A Drawing Workshop
Instructor: Mike Henderson
The two-day workshop is designed for both intermediate-level artists to revisit and firm up their drawing foundations and for raw beginners to get off on the right foot toward sketching and drawing independence. |
Saturday, June 8
Vibrant Rainbows and Earthy Mellows:
A Natural Dye Workshop
Instructor: Anni Redding
Exploring nature's palette on yarns from animal fiber.
Learn how to create brilliant rainbow hues as well as interesting earth tones.
3rd Wednesdays, May 15 - September 18
Live Your Art:
Reading and Discussion on Art and the Mind
Instructor: Jackie Baas
Five books focusing on perception, creation and the nature of art experience will be read - one each month.
Tuesday, May 14
Pizza Making in the Wood Fired Oven
Instructor: Jamie Edwards
One day introduction to the operation and use of the Gualala Arts Center Wood Fired Pizza Oven.
Mondays, May 6 - June 17
Beginning Adult Tap Dance
Instructor: Susan Main
Have big fun and get a good workout learning all of the basic steps and dances.
Sunday, May 5
Basic Digital SLR Camera Class
Instructor: John Howry
In this four-hour class you'll learn all the basic features of your digital SLR camera.
Saturday, May 4
How Does My Digital Point & Shoot Camera Work?
Instructor: John Howry
This basic picture taking class is designed for a point and shoot digital photographer.
Thursday, April 18
Bead Embroidery for Quilters
Instructor: Thom Atkins
We will look at beads, their shapes, variety of finishes and their uses on quilts to create texture and color changes.
Saturday - Sunday, March 16 - 17
Mata Ortiz Pottery
with Master Potter Jerardo Tena
Instructor: Jerardo Tena
Join Master Potter Jerardo Tena to learn the pottery techniques of Juan Mata Ortiz, Mexico.
Wednesday - Thursday, March 13 - 14
Two for One!
Quilts with Transparency and Luminosity
Instructor: Christine Barnes
Apply both transparency and luminosity to your quilting design and construction.
Mondays, March 11 - April 15
Beginning Adult Tap Dance
Instructor: Susan Main
Have big fun and get a good workout learning all of the basic steps and dances.
Thursdays, March 7 - April 11
Memoir Writing: Memories to Art
Instructor: Ida Egli
For those of us wanting to write the stories of our lives, this class is the place.
Tuesdays, February 19 - March 26
The Renaissance in Italy:
History, Art, and Music
Instructor: Kosta P'Manolis
In this class you will explore the major aspects of the history of the Renaissance.
Thursdays, February 14, 21, 28 and March 7
Beginning / Intermediate Quilting
Instructors: Janice Carter & Kalynn Oleson
A class for beginning quilters with no previous experience or for those who would like to brush up on the basics.
Saturday - Sunday, February 9 - 10
Pine Needle Basket Making
Instructor: Gerda Randolph
Join this class and learn to make beautiful baskets from pine needles.
Friday - Sunday, January 25 - 27
Figure Drawing
Instructor: Henry Yan
This class will focus on various techniques and styles in drawing human figures with charcoal.
Saturday - Sunday, January 19 - 20
A Weekend of Felting
Instructor: Carin Engen
Beginners as well as advanced felters are very
welcome to join us for a weekend of felting.