Wednesday - Thursday, November 16 - 17
Intermediate / Advanced
Free Motion Machine Quilting
Instructor: Bonnie Toy
For students that have some experience with free motion quilting,
and would like to learn more advanced techniques.
Saturday - Sunday, November 5 - 6
Pine Needle Basket Making
Instructor: Gerda Randolph
Join this class and learn to make beautiful baskets from pine needles.
Saturday - Sunday, October 29 - 30
No Rules - Brushless Painting
Instructor: Jane Head
Brushless painting techniques using common workshop tools or kitchen utensils.
Tuesday - Wednesday, September 13 - 14
Quilt Line as the Third Design Aspect
Instructor: Hollis Chatelain
This is a process class that will help you find new ideas on how to use quilting to enhance the look of your quilt.
Mondays, August 29 - October 24
Anchor Bay Choral & Dance Project
Instructors: Sue Bohlin & Melissa Newhall
This voice and dance workshop is for girls grades 2 through 12.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, August 23 - October 15
MusicalTheater and Rehearsal & Performance Techniques
Instructors: Jan and Bryn Harris
Introduction to musical theatre performance, styles and history through the study and practice of musical scenes from the Broadway stage.
Thursday, July 7
The Art and Craft of Tie Dye
Instructor: De Williams
Experience the surprise that is part of what makes tie dye an exciting and interesting art form.
Tuesday - Friday, July 5 - 15
Summer Art Program for Youth
Multiple instructors
All children are invited to participate in the Summer Art Program for Youth, sponsored by Gualala Arts. This program has been extremely popular in its past 20 years.
Saturday - Sunday, June 18 - 19
Back to the Basics:
a Drawing Workshop
Instructor: Mike Henderson
Participants will (re)discover value, texture, light and shadow, negative space, perspective, and composition, applying pencil to paper at every turn.
Saturday - Sunday, May 21 - 22
Jewelry Making with Precious Metal Clay
Instructor: Mary Neuer Lee
Create beautiful jewelry with Precious Metal Clay.
Thursday, May 19
Fast Piece Appliqué
Instructor: Rose Hughes
Learn the secret of using machine piecing and appliqué in combination.
Saturday, April 23
Tassels and Embellishments
Instructor: Jennie Henderson
This workshop will cover how to make soft tassels, pompoms, and bound, twisted, and braided cords to hang them on.
Wednesday - Thursday, April 13 - 14
Beginning Free Motion Machine Quilting
Instructor: Bonnie Toy
This 2-day class will cover free-motion machine quilting basics.
Wednesday - Thursday, March 16 - 17
Painting Pizzazz
Instructor: Sherrill Kahn
Painting techniques from A to Z.
Tuesdays, March 8 - 29
Music is Your Birthright
Instructor: Marjie Van Gunten
Reconnect with your inner musician. Intended for those who think they are unmusical & those who want to re-experience music in a new way. |
Mondays, March 7 - April 25
Actor's Boot Camp
Instructor: David Skibbins
This eight week workshop is designed
to take your acting skills to a new level.
Wednesdays & Thursdays, February 16 - 17 and 23 - 24
Beginning / Intermediate Quilting
Instructors: Janice Carter & Kalynn Oleson
A class for beginning quilters with no previous experience or for those who would like to brush up on the basics.
Saturday, February 5
Pysanky Dyed Eggs
Instructor: Beverly Battaglia
This introductory course will teach students the basics of how to decorate and dye eggs using the wax resist method. |
Saturday - Sunday, January 15 - 16
A Weekend of Felting
Instructor: Carin Engen
Learn or continue your learning of the felting
process during this weekend workshop.