Redwood Grove Event Area

Thank you we’ve made it!

The Gualala Arts picnic area, developed and lovingly tended by volunteers, underwent major renovations throughout 2016-17.

Enjoying the Redwood Grove.


Home to the BBQ, pizza oven, stage and picnic tables, this area is key for food service at major events like Art in the Redwoods and the Auto Show.

The Friends of the Pizza Oven (FOPO) pizza oven.


Enjoying a monthly summer FOPO dinner in the Redwood Grove.


It is also the site for private events, celebrations and weddings, providing a beautiful venue for guests and an important source of income to help ‘Bridge’ the Arts Center’s funding Gap.

The Ralph and Lorraine Morse pergola was finished in April, 2017, with the laying of slate by Peter Mullins.


The Redwood Grove has become a favorite place for weddings and receptions.
Quincenearas are well accommodated in the Redwood Grove Events area.
Towering trees provide a beautiful backdrop to receptions and life celebrations in the Redwood Grove Events area.
Redwood Grove Entrance
Redwood Grove Entrance

After discussions and planning meetings with the Stone Foundation International, landscape designers, Gualala Arts staff, volunteers and local caterers, a design has been prepared for improvements and beautification. It will solve existing issues like tripping hazards, drainage, increased access and access for all, level ground and site lines to the stage.


Peter Mullins arrives with slate for the Grenwelge Kitchen area and Ralph and Lorraine Morse Pergola.


Stones Stone wall, detail

The plan creates a magnificent, serpentine stone retaining wall that will be memorable as a work of art in its own right, and new stone paths to be built after grading, leveling, and clearing of old stumps. The existing redwood trees will remain.

Join us in this exciting adventure.
Help us “Bridge the Gap . . . and Beyond.”

Contribute online now:

or send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Gualala Arts
PO Box 244
Gualala, CA 95445

We need additional funding and offer many opportunities to support the project which includes naming rights and recognition: Redwood Grove Donor Opportunities.

Redwood Grove schematic (click to enlarge)
Redwood Grove schematic (click to enlarge)