Join us for the Inaugural
Exhibit Curators
Anne Vernon &
Kendra Stillman
Awards & Sponsors
For Best in Show
Grey Whale, Morning Light by Brandy Gale
For 1st Place
House on the Hill South of Reef Campground by Allison Spreadborough
For 2nd Place
See Through Sea Ranch by John Paul Marcelo
Distinguished Judges Award
Best Bread in Town by Barbara Tapp
Judges Awards
Pelican Bluffs by Kathleen Alexander
“And Jill Came Dancing After” by Jill Faragher
Goat Rock Beach – 5 by Chris Grassano
Skaggs Springs Road by Marti Walker
Stillwater Study by Vanessa Walsh
Student Awards
End of Summer: Gualala River Estuary by Gayle Cramer
Rivers Bend by Robert Powell
Additional Sponsors
Anne Vernon, Karen Tracy, Chris Grassano & JoAnn Aiken
The conclusion of Plein Air Affair will be the Silent Auction and Brunch on Sunday, October 2 at 11:30am. Find more information here

So much beauty ~ from 30 miles North to 30 miles South of Gualala Arts Center. Artists will be painting en Plein Air, and allowing the public to visit them as they paint. Come and stay, create and dream along our spectacularly beautiful Coast.
Each artist will provide a schedule of location, which will be updated each day as they move through our stunning landscape. From ocean to bluffs, rocky sculptured formations, tidepools & sunsets, both trained and untrained artists meet their inspiration: Jenner with its stunning mouth of the Russian River; the view from the outrageous switchbacks just before Myers Grade; Hwy One with its spectacular “High Point” preceding Timber Cove; historic Fort Ross; the Timber Cove Resort’s riveting bluffed isolation with Benny Bufano’s famous statue; Stump Beach and the Bluff Trail (fascinating rock formations, tide pools, and the famous arch); Black Point Beach at The Sea Ranch along with numerous fantastic vistas; Bowling Ball Beach at Anchor Bay; the Light House at Point Arena…find your own special location muse.

ENTRY FEE: $75.00
Information & Important Dates
Entry Forms Due: August 15, 2022
Paint Out: August 23-September 6, 2022
Art Take-In: September 7 from noon – 3pm, 2022
Locations: From Elk to Jenner, All Coastal Regions
Wet Paintings welcome on drop off day~
Entry Fee: $75.00 Limit 8 Pieces
Painting En Plein Air with Thomas Prosek September 2-4, $150 for Members, $160 for Non Members
Art Opening & Beginning of the Silent Auction September 9, 2022 4 – 7 pm
Champagne Brunch, Sunday October 2 at 11:30 am; get ticket info here
Art Pick-Up: October 3, 2022 from noon – 3pm
Find Registration form here
Find Paint Out location suggestions from Anne & Bruce here
Find Plein Air Location Form here, it is at the artist discression if you would like us to post your location online
Find your Plein Air Inventory Sheet here Please include filled form with your paintings when you drop off your artwork on September 7
Schedule of Events:
Paint Out: August 23-September 6, 2022
Plein Air Artists paint from Elk to Jenner, all coastal regions. Artists create as many paintings as they like over the two weeks, the best (up-to 8) to be entered into the Plein Air Affair Silent Auction and Exhibit at Gualala Arts from September 9 to October 2, 2022. Winners will be announced before the silent auction.

Opening: September 9, 2022 4-7 pm
Artists’ work (up to 8) will be hung September 7 & 8, opening on September 9, 2022 at 4-7 pm.
Silent Auction from September 9 to October 3, Awards are announced at Opening. Exhibit will be held in the Jacobs Foyer, Burnett Gallery & Coleman Hall. Lucky Patrons/Purchasers are asked to leave the artwork up until the exhibit’s end for the public to appreciate and view the art. Art is available for pickup on October 3, or arrangement with the artist directly can be made for pick up.
About the Judges
Plein Air Affair Artist Locations
Paint Out: August 23-September 6, 2022
Exhibit : September 9 through October 2, 2022
The public may view the artists in process, see below for artist and location
* Please be courteous as the artist is working. *
Thomas Burgard
Wednesday. August 24th from 3:30-6 pm, the Timber Cove Inn
Friday, August 25 Blacks Beach Noth of the Sea Ranch Lodge from 12-3:30
Saturday. August 27, Windermere Point and Fort creek area from 1-4
Monday, August 29 Jenner
Wednesday, August 31 Timber Cove Resort
Thursday, September 1 Elk
Brandy Gale & Jill Faragher
Sunday Sept 4, Point Arena Lighthouse and Stornetta public lands, then Elk
Jane Casner Mothersill
Tuesday, August 23rd, The Sea Ranch Lodge
Wednesday, August 24, Church Street corner looking down on Gualala and the river
Thursday, August 25, Pelican Bluff near Pt Arena
Monday, August 29th Hearn Bluff near Point Arena in the morning
August 29, Hearn Bluff. (Morning). Pebble Beach (afternoon)
August 30 Lisa Lauer house , morning. Pebble Beach, Sea Ranch , afternoon
Wednesday, August 31, Hearn Bluff in the Afternoon
Thursday, September 1 Timber Cove
Friday September 2, Pebble Beach in the afternoon
Theresa Slaman
Wednesday, August 24. Gualala Point Island
Thursday, August 25, Black Point Beach
Friday, August 26 Black Point Beach
Sunday, August 28, Black Point Beach mid afternoon
Wednesday August 31, The Cove
Friday – Sunday September 2-4 Painting en Plein Air with Thomas Prosek a Gualala Arts Workshop
Monday September 5, Black Point Beach
Friday, September 2, Pebble Beach in the afternoon
Karen Tracy
Saturday, August 27 – Gualala Regional Park, west side
Monday, August 29 – the pull out across the street from where the Farmer’s Market is held
Wednesday, August 31 – Gualala Regional Park, east side, the magical forest
Friday, September 2 – South end of Stump Beach
Monday, September 5 – Anchor Bay
Vanessa Walsh
Sunday, Sept 4 Arena Cove in the afternoon
Monday, Sept 5 Jenner Headlands/the Vista Trail