Donating Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
Gifts of publicly traded securities – stocks, bonds, or mutual funds – may provide special tax advantages to individuals who wish to make a charitable gift to Gualala Arts, Inc. By donating appreciated securities that you have owned for longer than one year, you receive the same income tax savings as you would by making a gift of cash or by check, but you also avoid tax on the capital gains built up in donated securities.
For information on how to coordinate your stock transfers, please call 707-884-1138 extension 1012 and speak with David Sus Susalla , Executive Director and/or call your broker and tax professional of how this may work for you. Gualala Arts is set up to be the recipient of your generosity with appropriate accounts.
If you are considering a legacy gift to Gualala Arts, it is important to discuss all of the consequences of such a bequest with you own advisors.
With your strong support we can build an inspiring future for Gualala Arts that will maintain its relevance in our community and strengthen its reputation and capabilities.
Please remember Gualala Arts in your estate planning.
Gualala Arts, Inc. PO Box 244, 46501 Old State Hwy., Gualala CA 95445, 707-884-1138 (TIN 94-6121872)