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Sus & Andrea’s Excellent Annual Message:
Look to the Future!
Greetings and Happy Holidays from our Gualala Arts Family. First and foremost, please know that YOU are what puts a smile on our faces and the wind in our sails—every day of the year!
We also want you to know that the Gualala Arts Center and Dolphin Gallery have been VERY busy in 2024. With the hard work and perseverance from our artists, volunteers, donors, and staff, we continue to bring back our programming stronger than ever. It was an excellent year with over 100 publicized events, including 30 exhibits, two fine arts festivals, 28 live performances, 16 workshops, numerous classes and interest group gatherings–and the clay studio open every weekday. YOUR arts center galleries and sculpture garden remain open seven days a week. WOW, is it ever great to be back in action!
2024 has also proven to be an active year in maintaining your Arts Center. We improved our drainage system after the crazy rains of last year almost flooded the arts center. We replaced our generator and the Foyer furnace and will replace the Mezzanine furnace, which is now over 25 years old. We replaced all the rusted joist hangers on the back redwood deck and third story fire exit, a project led by local contractor Sam Parsons. For the structural portion of this project, costs are now close to $80K. These are just a couple of projects we can fund, thanks to your generosity. So, you can see that your past donations have been put to good use–and we sure could use some help paying for this deck maintenance project!
But there’s a lot more work to be done. For example, as we write this letter we are exploring additional decking options, planning for more drainage and driveway work, updating fluorescent lighting in the Coleman Hall, and updating our computer systems to prepare for the Windows 10 discontinuation. In addition, our operational costs have skyrocketed, with substantial employee and healthcare insurance increases and property insurance that continues to be cost prohibitive at $85,000 annually. Did you know the overhead costs of “keeping the doors open” at Gualala Arts is currently $1,488 each day?
We need your help, now, our Gualala Arts Family, to bridge the gap in our funding through the end of this year and to keep your Arts Center doors open and welcoming our whole community.
With savvy planning, your Arts Center has continued our mission to promote public interest and participation in the arts since 1961! We have a dream of a $10 million endowment fund, which would generate enough income to cover these costs without having to write these letters every year. So, please consider us in your estate planning.
We remain dedicated to fulfilling our mission and, with your help, we will continue to do so for years to come. We are planning and budgeting for an awesome 2024 and look to the future with optimism, thanks to you! Remember, YOU make all the difference!
Andrea A Lunsford, President
David “Sus” Susalla, Executive Director
Sending best wishes for peace and love—and art!
Ways of giving:
● Send cash and check donations, which are ALWAYS welcome, accepted, and needed to achieve our budget at year-end. Make Check Payable to Gualala Arts and mail in to PO Box 244, Gualala CA 95445
● Remember that the IRS allows IRA owners 70 ½ years or over to transfer up to $100,000 to a charity TAX FREE each year.
● Set up recurring on-line contributions, by visiting and use a credit card or PayPal.
● Name Gualala Arts as a beneficiary for your IRA, other retirement account, life insurance or any other assets in your estate.
● Donate investments, including highly appreciated securities.
● Please remember Gualala Arts in your estate planning. Our non-profit tax id is 94-6121872.
We urge you to consult your tax advisor for the federal, state and local tax consequences of your charitable contributions.
Donors, Volunteers, Board and Staff all pull together!
With your strong support we can build an inspiring future for Gualala Arts that will maintain its relevance in our community and strengthen its reputation and capabilities. (Full letter below donation options)
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or send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Gualala Arts
PO Box 244
Gualala, CA 95445
To become a member of Gualala Arts Click here
Contribute online now:
or send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Gualala Arts
PO Box 244
Gualala, CA 95445

Please remember the “Gualala Arts Endowment Program” in your estate planning. (TIN 94-6121872)
Some giving ideas can be found here.