The Gualala Arts’ Board of Directors meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
They establish policy and budget, approve major expenditures and committee appointments, review financials, committee reports, and arts center activities, plan fund-raisers and develop long-range plans.
They oversee the well-being of the organization, serve on many of the arts center’s committees and activity groups and give direction to the organization’s staff.
Board terms are three years with a possible renewal. Board members are nominated by a nominating committee, can be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting, or may personally request their name be placed on the ballot.
Board of Directors & Officers
Andrea A Lunsford, President
Joan Wood, Vice President
Don Krieger, Treasurer
Bea Acosta, Co-Secretary
Co-Secretary – Karl Danskin
JoAnn Aiken
David Belk
Sue Bohlin
Chris Doering
Marilyn Green
Jann Littleton
Fidencio Mata-González
Dennis Pedersen
David ‘Sus’ Susalla, Executive Director
New board officers and members were voted in February 12, 2025 at
Gualala Arts Annual Members Meeting