A Landscape Photography Exhibit

Scott Chieffo Photography Presents

Photos of the Mendocino Coastline

Opens, Saturday August 3 from 1-3 pm, exhibit up through September 1

The Dolphin Gallery in the Seacliff Center


  The upcoming exhibit at the Dolphin Gallery is a testament to the profound connection between an artist and their inspiration. Scott Chieffo’s two-decade journey along the Southern Mendocino County Coast has culminated in a body of work that not only captures the visual splendor of the region but also conveys the emotional resonance of its landscapes. His photographs, characterized by a distinctive style invite viewers to experience the serene solitude of the coast and forests he so deeply cherishes.

Scott’s process, a blend of fieldwork and digital finesse, ensures that each image presented is a faithful representation of his artistic intent.  This exhibit is not just a showcase of Scott’s favorite images; it is a narrative of his enduring relationship with the Mendocino coastline, from the sculptural forms of Bowling Ball Beach to the rugged cliffs of Mendocino.

The significance of Scott’s work extends beyond aesthetic appeal; it has played a role in the conservation narrative of the region. His early images of the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands contributed to the public relations campaign that led to their inclusion in the California Coastal National Monument, marking a milestone in environmental preservation efforts. This exhibit, therefore, is not only a celebration of artistic achievement but also a reminder of the power of photography to influence and inspire change.

The Dolphin Gallery, through September 1, will become a space where art and environment coalesce, offering a unique and immersive experience to all who visit.