Back by Popular Demand! Shred in the Redwoods

Gualala Arts Presents

Shredding Event

Saturday, September 7, 9 am to 10 am (appointments only) and 10 am to 11 am, public welcome

Gualala Arts Center

$10 donation to Gualala Arts per banker box

Appointments for 5 or more boxes contact Sus at

September 7 marks the return of a useful (and quite practical) event at Gualala arts.

Shred in The Redwoods 2024!

Get ready to dispose of those old files and papers sitting around your home or your office. Gualala Arts is hosting  Shred in the Redwoods, Saturday, September 7 at the Arts Center—46501 Old State Highway, Gualala. For a minimum $10 donation* per banker box, you’ll securely dispose of your shredable papers, and free up some space in your home or office. *(more always welcome and appreciated.)

The mobile shredder will be on the grounds of Gualala Arts on Saturday, September 7 from 9 am to 10 am (appointments only email and 10 am to 11 am, (or until  the mobile shredder is full—whichever comes first.)

• Save yourself a trip to the big city.

• Recycle friendly service

• Diamond-shred cut

• Receipt for services upon request.

• Paper only!—No plastic or binder clips (staples and paperclips OK)

Support Gualala Arts and get rid of those papers you’ve been storing ink your attic, basement or garage. And this year you can make an appointment between 9 am and 10 am.

$10 donation to Gualala Arts per banker box.

Quick list of documents to consider shredding:

Address labels from junk mail and magazines
All Discarded Copier Copies
ATM receipts
Bank statements
Birth certificate copies
Canceled and voided checks
Credit and charge card bills, carbon copies, summaries and receipts
Credit reports and histories
Credit Cards (Expired)
Documents containing maiden name
Documents containing names, addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses
Documents relating to investments
Documents containing passwords or PIN numbers
Drafted Documents
Education Records
Employee pay stubs
Employment records
Expired Driver’s licenses or items with a driver’s license number
Expired passports and visas
Identification cards/badges
Insurance Information
Internal Memos
Investment, stock and property transactions
Items with a signature
Luggage tags
Medical and dental records
Papers with a Social Security number
Payroll Information
Pre-approved credit card applications
Phone Logs
Phone Messages
Purchase Orders
Receipts with checking account numbers
Report cards
Resumes or curriculum vitae
Tax forms
Travel itineraries
Used airline tickets
Visitor Logs

Not all documents should be shredded. Some documents are permanent records, meaning you should never shred or discard them. Keep these specific documents secure in safe deposit boxes, fire-proof safes, or locked file cabinets.

Birth certificates or adoption papers
Social Security cards
Citizenship papers or passports
Marriage or divorce decrees
Death certificates of family members
Auto titles and home deeds for as long as you own the property


Sources for this information:

CentralBank Missouri