Mining memories and crafting stories, a generative writing workshop.

with instructor Teresa Burns Gunther

a writing workshop.

New Date!! June 9, 10 am - Noon

Gualala Arts Upstairs Classroom

$95 for Gualala Arts Members, $125 for non Members

Sign Up Here

Gualala Arts is pleased to announce a new two hour Creative Writing workshop, “Mining Memories and Playing with Words,” with Teresa Burns Gunther, on Sunday, June 9 from 10 am – noon. The class costs $95 for Gualala Arts Members, and $125 for Non Members, sign up at the Gualala Arts front desk or see form below.

“Mining Memories and Playing with Words.” Have you always wanted to write? Are you a seasoned writer wanting to shake things up and get words on the page? In this two hour workshop, whether you’re writing fiction or creative nonfiction, we’ll do some wild writing in response to prompts. We’ll discuss strengthening our writing practice, aspects of craft and techniques for revision.

Teresa Burns Gunther is an award-winning author whose fiction and nonfiction have been published widely in US and international literary journals and anthologies. Her story collection “Hold Off The Night” was a finalist for several book awards. Most recently, her story “Conflagration” was awarded Gemini Magazine’s 2023 Short Story Prize and her story “War Paint” was awarded the 52nd New Millennium Award for Fiction, 2022. Teresa is the founder of Lakeshore Writers Workshop where she leads workshops and classes and offers coaching and developmental editing services.