Exhibit Opens Thursday, August 14 with Hat’s Off Dinner, Exhibit up though September 6
Important Dates
Monday, July 7
Entry deadline. Only first 350 entries accepted
Friday, August 8
Installation of wall glass, large or fragile artwork, call for appointment before July 30
Sat & Sun, August 9 & 10
Noon. – 3 pm Deliver artwork to Gualala Arts Center (no work will be accepted after 3 pm)
Thursday, August 14
4-7 pm Hats Off in the Garden Dinner and Fine Art sneak preview
Friday, August 15
4 – 7 pm Champagne Preview
All Artists are Invited to Attend Champagne Preview for Free
4 pm – 6 pm champagne served, Outdoor Artists Vendor Booths preview, 4:30 pm Fine Art Exhibit opens.
Back by popular demand
6:15 pm Judges’ Critique & Awards Ceremony
$20 admission, participating artists are invited to attend for free
Saturday, August 16
10 am – 4 pm Fine Art Exhibition open, Outdoor Artists Vendor Booths, food & drink, live music and family entertainment
Admission: $10 in advance at the Dolphin, $20 at the gate
17 and under free
Sunday, August 17
10 am – 4 pm Fine Art Exhibition open, Outdoor Artists Vendor Booths, food & drink, live music and family entertainment
3 pm Raffle drawing and Most Popular artwork announced
Admission: $10 in advance at the Dolphin, $20 at the gate
17 and under free
Sunday & Monday, September 7 & 8
Pick Up Art Work
Artworks released to artists and buyers Sunday & Monday, Noon – 3 pm thereafter, $5 per day storage fee per piece of art
CATEGORIES (Category numbers required to be posted on Entry Form)
- Oil, Acrylics, (single surface)
- Water Media single surface (with adhesives, enter in mixed media)
- Prints & Graphics (originals only, no giclees or reproductions)*
- Sculpture (any material)
- Monochromatic Photography
- Color Photography
- Digital Art
- Pastels & Drawings
- Woodworking
- Glass (large Wall/Window pieces hung Friday Aug 8)
- Jewelry & Ornamentation (limited editions of 250 or less)
- Clay & Mosaic
- Fibers, Textiles & Soft Sculpture
- Quilts
- Collage, Mixed Media & 2-D Assemblage
- Weaving
Prints and Graphics which are produced in multiples must each be signed and numbered by the artist
New! Best Use of AI………$100
Best of Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
Best Local Work (Jenner to Elk) . . . . . . . . . $100
Most Popular (voted by viewers) . . . . . . . . . $100
1st Place each category (blue ribbon)
No entry minimum required . . . .. . . . . . $100
2nd Place each category (red ribbon)
5 entries minimum required. . . . . .. . . . . .$ 75
3rd Place each category (white ribbon)
10 entries minimum required. . . . . .. . . . . . .$ 50
Judges Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbon
Presidents Award . . . . . . . . . . . . $100
Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. . . . . . . $100
Friends of the Gualala River . . . . .. . . . $100
Mendonoma Sightings . . . . . . . . $100
Beading Excellence . . . . . .. . . . . . . $100
Emerging Artist (best work under 18). . . . . . . $100
Judges’ critique and award presentations will be made at approximately 6:15 p.m. on Friday at the Champagne Preview. Artists are invited to attend Champagne Preview for Free.
Artists are requested and encouraged to attend the award presentations
Entries limited to four (4) entries per artist
- Each Entry must:
- Be an Original – one of a kind or one of a limited edition of numbered multiples
- Gualala Arts carries no inventory of multiples
- Artists responsible for delivery of multiple sales
- Prints & Graphics produced in multiples must be numbered and signed by the artist
- Entered by a living artist who created the entry within the last two (2)years
- Never have been exhibited in Art in the Redwoods before
- Single wall hung entry maximum of 60” wide
- Second wall hung entry maximum of 48” wide or less
- Third wall hung entry maximum of 48” wide or less
- Diptych and Triptych entries maximum of 60” wide
- Diptych and Triptych entries are one entry each and cannot be sold as individual pieces
- 70 lb weight limit for each entry
- Any entry may be refused if it:
- is exceptionally fragile
- space is not available
- does not adhere to these Exhibition Rules
- See Exceptions and Special Circumstances for Glass entries and additional Weight
- Ensure paintings are thoroughly dry
- Picture Frames:
- Must be strong and will be tested for sturdiness
- Avoid plastic or clip frames – Plexiglass recommended
- Use strong metal picture wire minimum of 2” affixed so that wire or hanger will not show when hung (saw tooth hangers discouraged)
- Jewelry and small sculptures should be in display cases or shadow box frames for protection
- Fabric entries must have handing tabs/sleeves with rod/dowel labeled with artist’s name
- Exhibit Artist Binder will be available for one sheet per entry (description, artist statement, artist bio, )
- No supplementary materials allowed next to or around entries (labels, books, promotional materials )
Weight & Glass Information & Exception
- Entries within the weight limit – artists are requested to assist in handling large 3-dimentional artwork or furnish display stands if artwork requires
- Entries exceeding weight limit – artists are required to participate in Special intake required**
- Glass entries proposed to be suspended, are fragile or complex – Artists are required to participate in entry Special intake required**
Outdoor Entries Information
- Must be non-permanent and removable
- Must remain outdoors for the duration of exhibit
- Must be installed by Friday, August 8
** Special Intake on August 8 must be scheduled in advance – call 707-884-1138 to schedule an appointment.
- Membership in Gualala Arts is required in addition to Exhibit Entry Fee
- Individual Membership $30
- Family Membership $50
- Exhibit Entry Fees:
- $10 per entry
- $20 per entry not for sale (NFS)
- Entry Fees for Artists under 18 years old are waived
- Entry Fees are non-refundable
- $5 Fee will be charged for changes/addition to the Entry Form after submission
Special Note: The completeness of your entry form is important. Changes made after the Entry Form deadline will not be reflected in the ICO “Art in the Redwoods Official Show Program”
- Gualala Arts provides no insurance for exhibited artwork. If the artist feels that insurance is needed, they are encouraged to purchase it. Proof of insurance may be required for work priced over $5000
- Gualala Arts will retain 30% commission on all entry (or multiples) sales
- Artist payment checks will be issued within two weeks of the end of the month in which sale was made
- It is Gualala Arts policy to request the artist to submit to Gualala Arts 10% of any future sales generated as a result of the Art in the Redwood Exhibit
Find PDF of downloadable paper registration form here
- Complete the 2025 Entry Form for up to four (4) entries
- Print Clearly
- Fill in all entries accurately (see reference in fees)
- Submit with total fee due no later than July 7
- USPS mail with total fee(s) to: AIR-‐FA Entry, PO Box 244, Gualala, CA 95445 (last postmark accepted July 8)
- Scan Entry Form and send e‐mail to: KendraGualalaArts@gmail.com Subject: AIR Entry (last e‐mail accepted dated July 7)
- Call 707-884-1138 to arrange fee payment
- Deliver Entry form and fee(s) directly to Gualala Arts
- Entries are not accepted until fee(s) are paid
- Total entries for the exhibit are limited to 350
Or Fill Online Form Below for Each Entry by July 7
If you have questions or changes, contact Kendra Stillman at info@GualalaArts.org before July 7, after July 7 changes can be made when you drop off your artwork
- Deliver artwork, noon – 3 pm., Saturday and Sunday August 9 & 10 , to Gualala Arts Center, 46501 Old State , Gualala
- Deliver in person at the above designated time
- Shipped or mailed entries will not be accepted. No exceptions!
- Special intake on Friday, August 8 must be scheduled in advance ‐ email Kendra Stillman at kendraGualalaArts@gmail.com to schedule an appointment
- Removable labels will be produced and attached by Gualala Arts to the back of each entry upon take‐in
- On take‐in day you will be provided:
- Artist receipt for claiming unsold artwork at exhibit close
- Each artist is invited to the Champagne Preview for free
- Unsold artwork must stay up for entire exhibit
- Buyers will be requested to leave purchases through Sunday August 17 or as long as possible but may take items upon purchase
- Artist must claim unsold artwork Sunday, September 7, Noon – 3 pm or Monday September 8, Noon – 3 pm
- Artist of Sales receipt will be used for ownership or proof of purchase at pick-up
- Artwork much be signed out
- Gualala Arts is not responsible for the art left after 4 pm September 8
- $5 daily storage fee assessed to artist for unclaimed artwork after September 8
Gualala Arts, Inc. is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of artworks entered in the exhibit at any time in the exhibit process
- Exhibitors solely responsible for their work
- Gualala Arts carries no insurance for exhibited artwork. Exhibitors should insure their work if they deem necessary
- Gualala Arts will not ship purchases
- Should potential buyer require shipment Gualala Arts will contact Artist
- When Artist confirms their agreement/responsibility to package and ship Gualala Arts will complete the sales transaction
- Submission of an entry implies acceptance of all conditions stated in this document
- To change category classification of any entry
- To its sole discretion to refuse to display any artwork
- Gualala Arts Hanging Committee has complete discretion placing or positioning entries
- Artists may not request location of their work
Register Here
EACH ENTRY NEEDS TO BE FILLED OUT SEPARATELY – 4 entries…no problem… do this online process 4 times.