Exhibit Statement: If one artist’s art is inspiring and uplifting what would happen if two or more artists created a piece? Is one + one more than two or three? We think so. We are inviting artists to put their heads together and create a piece that would not have been possible alone. What if one artist started a painting and handed it off to another artist to add their interpretation? What sort of magic might happen? What if that piece was then completed by a third artist? There would be an entirely new work that none of the artists could have done by themselves.
Perhaps two artists work in entirely different media. Can a fiber artist create a piece with a ceramic artist? A glass artist with a metal artist? What if a photographer took a picture and a watercolorist painted the image? We think the possibilities are endless and it will present an opportunity for new ideas, new methods, and new friendships. There will be cash prizes as well. The details will be announced soon.
Dates to Remember
– Entry Deadline: November 25, 2024
– Deliver Artwork: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, noon-3pm
– Public Reception: December 6, 2024, from 4-6 pm
– Pick-up Artwork: January 6, 2025, noon-3pm
Exhibit Curator:
Colette Coad
What are the rules?
- You must belong to NCAG. Annual dues are $25. Contact
Barbara Johannes for details barbarajanephotos@gmail.com
- Artists can submit as many entries as they like as long as they only team up with the same artist or artists once. In other words, Artist A and Artist B can team once. Artist A can team with Artist C once. Artists A, B and C can collaborate on a piece.
- Each application must include a paragraph that explains which artist contributed what to the piece and how the collaboration came about.
Registration fee:
- $20 per entry, $25 for Not For Sale entries.
- No limit on the number of entries, as long as each entry is collaborated with a different artist.
- Registration fee waived for artists under 18, contact Kendra at KendraGualalaArts@Gmail.com
For this exhibit, artists are encouraged to use any media.
There will be cash prizes, prizes TBD.
- Gualala Arts will retain 30% commission on all sales of entries (and multiples) made during the course of the exhibit. It is Gualala Arts policy to request the artist to submit to Gualala Arts 10% of any future sales generated as a result of the Magical Art of Collaboration.
- Please ensure all artwork is professionally prepared for hanging or display (no clip frames, etc.) and can be displayed with minimum of effort. NO screws or anchor bolts will be used for hanging; if needed, modify your art to be hung by wire picture hanger.
- Gualala Arts is not liable for loss of, or damage to, any artwork or installation, at any point in the process.
- Gualala Arts does not insure artwork. Exhibitors should insure their artwork if they deem it necessary.
- Entered artwork must be delivered to Gualala Arts Center 46501 Old State Highway, Gualala, CA 95445 December 4, 2024 noon-3pm
- When delivering art, include a label with your name and the title of the entry securely attached to each piece.
- Artist must agree to have their art used for show publicity.
- Total width of wall art is limited to 8′ per artist (the total width for all pieces).
- For Paper Entries, make checks payable to Gualala Arts and send to Gualala Arts Center, C/O The Magical Art of Collaboration, PO Box 244, Gualala, CA, 95445.
- An “Artist Statement” is recommended; a photograph is optional for each artist. Please submit with your Entry Forms or bring with art upon delivery to Gualala Arts. The curator will provide a binder to display with exhibit.
Registration is Closed