Exploring the Landscape

Bruce Jones and Jane Casner Mothersill Presents

a special showing of new work

Opens Saturday, October 5 from 1-3 pm, exhibit up through October 27

The Dolphin Gallery in Seacliff center in downtown Gualala


The Dolphin Gallery is set to unveil a new exhibit titled “Exploring the Landscape,” featuring the works of Jane Casner Mothersill and Bruce Jones. The exhibit opens on Saturday, October 5, from 1-3 pm and will be available for viewing through October 27. Mothersill and Jones, both seasoned artists residing on the Mendocino and Sonoma Coasts, have collaborated extensively, sharing a passion for capturing the essence of landscapes and seascapes. Their joint exhibit promises to offer a unique perspective on the natural world, as both artists have a history of painting en plein air and participating in life drawing sessions at Gualala Arts. The exhibit will showcase their individual and collective works, highlighting the synergy between their artistic visions. Jones, known for his diverse subjects including the human form, still life and landscapes, remarks on the collaborative process: “It was interesting doing it together as we decided what scenes to paint, what to leave out, how to organize the composition and what to emphasize.” This exhibit not only explores the landscape but also the artistic comradery between these two artists.

Jane Casner Mothersill is an artist with a rich tapestry of experiences, having spent 20 years in Asia and 15 in Marin County before settling for the last 5 years in her current location on The Sea Ranch. Her classical training in painting and sculpture informs her work, which is deeply rooted in the belief that the world is a sacred and divine place. This perspective is beautifully encapsulated in her favorite quote,  “art should be the link between the sacred and the divine”. Mothersill has a particular affinity for pastels, a medium introduced to her by her grandmother, which she values for their directness and the personal connection they hold. Her approach to art is one of reverence and passion, aiming to capture and convey the inherent beauty of the world.

Bruce Jones, a retiree from the tech and consulting industry, has found a new passion in the arts since moving to Gualala in 2000. With a lifelong interest in painting and drawing, Bruce now successfully sells his artwork in galleries and participates in the annual Studio Discovery Tour.  Additionally, Bruce contributes to the community through landscaping and trail maintenance, which double as artistic expression and physical activity. He also applies his academic background in Economics and MBA to serve as treasurer for local art organizations and galleries, actively engaging in their development.

Featured image is Shell Beach Storm Clouds by Bruce Jones