Intro to Gouache

with instructor Sergio Lopez

Painting workshop

Sunday, July 28 from 10 am - 4 pm

Gualala Arts Center

$250 for GA Members, $300 for Non Members, $50 Materials Fee to be paid directly to the instructor

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Gouache, a versatile and vibrant medium, offers artists the ability to explore a hybrid of watercolor transparency and acrylic opacity in their works. This workshop, led by the talented Sergio Lopez at Gualala Arts, promises an immersive experience into the world of gouache painting. Participants will delve into the unique qualities that set gouache apart from other mediums, such as its rich pigmentation and quick-drying properties. The workshop will cover essential techniques, from mastering the consistency of the paint to layering and blending colors effectively. Additionally, common challenges and solutions will be addressed, ensuring that students gain confidence in navigating the medium. By engaging in practical exercises, attendees will not only become adept at handling gouache but also develop a foundational understanding of composition and color theory in picture-making. This workshop is an excellent opportunity for artists of all levels to expand their creative repertoire under the guidance of a seasoned professional.  The workshop is set for July 28 from 10 am – 4 pm, class fees are $250 for GA Members, $300 for non members, there is a $50 materials fee to be paid directly to the instructor.  Sign up by July 21 at the Gualala Arts Front Desk or online at Gualala

Sergio Lopez, a distinguished gouache painter, honed his craft at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA, from 2001 to 2006. His mastery of the medium has been recognized with numerous accolades, including the prestigious 1st Place Award at the Lost Sierra Plein Air event in Quincy, CA, in 2023. Lopez’s work has been consistently celebrated, as evidenced by his 3rd Place Award at the Pacific Northwest Plein Air in both 2019 and 2022, hosted by the Maryhill Museum of Art. His talent was also acknowledged with the Second Place Award at the Driggs Plein Air in Driggs, ID, in 2021, and he has been a recurrent figure at the Carmel Art Festival, securing both First and Third Place Awards in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Notably, in 2018, Lopez was the recipient of the Judge’s Choice Award by Kenn Backhaus at the Olmsted Plein Air. His series of accolades over the years is a testament to his skill and dedication to the art of plein air painting.

Artist Statement:

“My art is my voice. Art is so important to me because it is the way my soul tells the world ‘I am here. The fact that I am here matters.’ Through my own exploration of art and beauty, I have found a direction for my life that connects me to the collective spirit of humanity that I find necessary to connect to. I also feel the urge to add to it by producing the best art I can. 

The power of having one image communicate what you want to express as an artist is magical. 

I’ve learned that in order to stand out in the world of art and be heard, I need to constantly improve in my work so that there is an undeniable level of respect that the audience has for it. It’s through this self-respect that we can be propelled to do our best work. It is also respect that I am giving to this engine of creation that has been here with me the whole time. It has been guiding me since before I understood what it was. 

What type of world would we live in where everyone felt more comfortable with expressing their deepest passions? Through beauty, we can express a passion that the world needs to see. That is what I’m here to cultivate as an artist.”

Materials List for Students:

12 gouache paints + white


Mixing Tray

Water cup

4 Gouache Brushes

Airtight Paintbox

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