Additional Changes to inventory can be made at intake
Find Tickets for the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch Here
So much beauty ~ from 30 miles North to 30 miles South of Gualala Arts Center. Artists will be painting en Plein Air, and allowing the public to visit them as they paint. Come and stay, create and dream along our spectacularly beautiful Coast.
From ocean to bluffs, rocky sculptured formations, tidepools & sunsets, both trained and untrained artists meet their inspiration: Jenner with its stunning mouth of the Russian River; the view from the outrageous switchbacks just before Myers Grade; Hwy One with its spectacular “High Point” preceding Timber Cove; historic Fort Ross; the Timber Cove Resort’s riveting bluffed isolation with Benny Bufano’s famous statue; Stump Beach and the Bluff Trail (fascinating rock formations, tide pools, and the famous arch); Black Point Beach at The Sea Ranch along with numerous fantastic vistas; Bowling Ball Beach at Anchor Bay; the Light House at Point Arena…find your own special location muse.
2023 Plein Air Affair Awards
Best in Show Anne Vernon Blazing Sunset at The Tea House
1st Place Meredith Frederick Rock Island Surplus Sale
2nd Place Ryan Grossman Point Arena Bridge
Judges Awards
Best Watercolor Barbara Tapp Chamokomes’ Great Yellow Barn
Best Watercolor Sunset Gayle Cramer Smoke on the Water
Best Innovative Material Ian Wieczorek Alder Grove
Best Woodland Forest Scene Jane Casner Mothersill Light in the Redwoods
Best Sky John Paul Marcelo Point Arena Cove
Best Coastal Painting John Paul Marcelo Rocks at Horseshoe Cove
Best Use of Atmosphere Kathleen Alexander Summer Swell
Best Flowers Kathleen Alexander Exhibitionists II
Best Pastel Marti Walker Tunnel Vision
Best Arch Sergio Lopez Sea Lion Rock Arch
Best Innovative Composition Sergio Lopez “The Tower At The Cove”
Best Wooden Structure Steve Weinberger Casa de Nossa Senhora
Best Boat Painting Steve Weinberger A Quiet Gathering
Best Trees Theresa Slaman Gualala Arts Center Woods (#2)
Best Waves Vanessa Walsh The Restless Seas
Best Coastal Grouping Thomas Burgard

We would like to thank our other sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Cynthia & Charles Petersen
Bronze Sponsors
Anchor Bay Store
Sharon Nickodem
Plein Air Affair Sponsorship Opportunities
We hope that you will consider the many opportunities to support the 2023 Gualala Arts Plein Air Affair. We could not present this event without your generous support
Grand Event Sponsor – over $5,000
• Twelve tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
Platinum – Over $3,000
• Ten tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
Gold – Over $2,000
• Eight tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
Silver – $1,000 +
• Six tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
Bronze – $500 +
• Four tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
Sponsorship Opportunities
• Friends – $100 +
• Two tickets to the Plein Air Affair Champagne Brunch
All sponsors Friends and above will receive honorable mention on the Plein Air Affair web page, sponsor posters and Plein Air Affair program
All Sponsors Bronze and above will receive their name on Plein Air Affair web page with Link, posted on Facebook & Instagram
Contact Kendra at to become a Plein Air Affair Sponsor
Information & Important Dates
Entry Forms Due: August 25, 2023
Workshop: Painting en Plein Air with Thomas Prosek Sept 1-3, 2023; $150 for GA Members, $160 for Non Members
Paint Out: August 26-September 12, 2023
Artist Get Together and Stamping on August 26 at 2pm
Catered by Two Fish Baking Co.
Generously sponsored by Theresa Slaman
Menu: Spanakopita, Deviled Eggs, Apricot pastries
Art Take-In: September 13 from 11 am – 1 pm, 2023
Locations: From Elk to Jenner, All Coastal Regions
Wet Paintings welcome on drop off day~
Entry Fee: $75 Limit 8 Pieces
Art Opening & Beginning of the Silent Auction September 15, 2023 5 – 7 pm
Champagne Brunch, Saturday October 7 at 11:30 am; find tickets here
Art Pick-Up: October 7, 2022 from 2-4pm
Find Paint Out location suggestions from Anne & Bruce here
Schedule of Events:
Paint Out: August 26-September 12, 2023
Plein Air Artists paint from Elk to Jenner, all coastal regions. Artists create as many paintings as they like over the two weeks, the best (up-to 8) to be entered into the Plein Air Affair Silent Auction and Exhibit at Gualala Arts from September 9 to October 2, 2022. Winners will be announced before the opening.

Opening: September 15, 2023 from 5-7 pm
Artists’ work (up to 8) will be hung September 13 & 14, opening on September 15, 2023 at 5-7 pm.
Silent Auction from September 15 to October 7, Awards are announced at Opening. Exhibit will be held in the Jacobs Foyer, Burnett Gallery & Coleman Hall. Lucky Patrons/Purchasers are asked to leave the artwork up until the exhibit’s end for the public to appreciate and view the art. Art is available for pickup on October 7, or arrangement with the artist directly can be made for pick up.
Participation Requirements:
Each artist will provide a schedule of location, (form provided by Gualala Arts), and are responsible for update each day as they move through our stunning landscape. Gualala Arts has a small staff, and artists are responsible for providing their individual schedule. This is a courtesy to help the artist promote their work.
We will be available for any questions and will have a list of suggested locations for those unfamiliar with the area.
The public may want to observe the artist while creating. This is not a requirement, but it does connect the observer to the painting, and creates expectation, rapport, and excitement. No special location is required, and we suggest exploring the area before hand for optimum painting time.
Framing: • Submissions are limited to 8, maximum.
• Canvases/Boards/Watercolor Entries must be 24”x18” or smaller.
• Upon submission on September 13, 2023, attach artist’s name, title, medium and phone number on the backside of the submitted painting. Consider supplying a certificate of authenticity and business card.
• Artwork should be framed and ready to hang on submission day. (Remember to bring frames!) Work must have screw eyes or d-rings and wire (no saw-toothed hangers).
Waiver of Liability:
I acknowledge the risks involved in painting Plein Air. These include but are not limited to falls, accidents, drowning, wildlife encounters, etc. I acknowledge that I am participating voluntarily, and that I assume all risks related to plein air painting, whether explicitly explained to me or not. Additionally, I confirm that I do not have any medical or mental conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in plein air painting.
About the Judge
Maeve Croghan Painting nearly all her life, Art has been a lifelong pursuit for Maeve Croghan. Her studies at the San Francisco Art Institute, as well the influences of Emily Carr, Georgia O’Keefe and the Group of 7 helped formed her innovative approach to Plein Air and Nature painting. She has BA from New College of California in ‘Art and Education’.
She has numerous accolades – her paintings have been in Museum exhibits in Japan, Alaska, California, Oregon, New Mexico and Michigan. Maeve has been the recipient of many prestigious juried awards.
Her paintings are in collections throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan and Mexico, including the Manoogian Collection of Art. Maeve’s paintings are featured on the wine labels of Castoro Cellars from Paso Robles, Ca. Her paintings have been chosen for numerous editions of National Juried Art books: “ART of Northern California” & “American Art Collector”, as well the “Studio Visit” art journal.
Recently her painting ‘Russet Vines’ won the Georges Dubouef Beaujolais Nouveau wine label contest, which featured her painting on over 1,000,000 bottles of French wine.
Maeve teaches Plein Air painting classes with various arts organizations, including the Mackinac Island Arts Council on Mackinac Island, Mi. in the summers, and the Mendocino Art Center in the Fall and Spring. She also teaches private Plein Air painting classes.
Maeve is the founder of the Mendocino Eco Artists, and artist group dedicated to having Art shows benefitting local environmental groups.
She maintains an Art Studio in San Francisco, at the Hunters Point Shipyard Artists’ Community, as well as in Mendocino, Ca. In the summers her Studio is on Mackinac Island, Mi.