Exhibit Statement: The purpose of this exhibit is to showcase outstanding visual art in any visual media. There is no theme and therefore no limitations as to the types of pieces being presented. This show’s concept is based on the original French Salon which began in 1667 and was initially sponsored by King Louis XIV and shown in the Louvre Palace. By 1863 the public furor over the jury’s rejection of almost 3000 pieces of art (among which are many now-famous and highly regarded works) caused Napoleon III to command the creation of the Salon des Refusés (Salon of the Refused) so as to allow the public to judge the merits of these works for themselves.
The North Coast Artist Guild (NCAG) selects the show’s judges each year. The judges then decide which artwork is to be included in the “Salon” and is displayed in the main Burnett Gallery. All work not juried into “Salon” is displayed in the “Salon des Refusés” located in the Elaine Jacob Foyer and Coleman Hall. These works are eligible for a popular vote award. This vote ends at noon June 30, 2023.
Artwork will be judged in person
Dates to Remember
Entry Deadline: May 26, 2023
Deliver Artwork: Tuesday June 6 2023 noon – 3pm
Opening Reception: Friday June 9, 2023 from 4-6pm
Pick-Up Artwork: July 10, 2023 noon- 3pm
Exhibit Curators:
Andrea Allen: andreaallenart@gmail.com
& Paula Haymond: pjhaymond@gmail.com
Thank you to our Sponsors
1st Place Award – Andrea Lunsford
2nd Place Award – Elizabeth Lane
3rd Place Award – Gualala Supermarket
Founders Award – North Coast Artist Guild
Catering Sponsor – Sharon Nickodem
Collage Awards – Collage Interest Group
People’s Choice – Gualala Arts
1st Place – Lily Pond III by Kathleen Alexander
2nd Place – Travelers by Chris Grassano
3rd Place – The Blues by Sandy Oppenheimer
Judges Awards
Black Point Pelican by Mike Petrich
Magical Keyboard by Ralph Matheson
Team Torture Repast 2010 World Series Champions by Aaron Johnson
Seed Pod from Rosa californica (California Wild Rose) by Karen Wilkinson
Chris by Jane Casner Mothersill
Founders Award The Teacher by Mitch White
Collage Awards
Young girl wishes by Dulce MacLeod
Hedgerow II by Margreth Barrett

Rules, Info & Instructions
Exhibit Statement: The Gualala Salon exhibit will be a juried and judged fine art show. The purpose of this exhibit is to showcase outstanding visual art and artists without regard to the type of media.
- All work submitted will be juried into the Salon (accepted work) or the Salon des Refusés (rejected work).
- Salon will exhibit in the Burnett Gallery, eligible for 1st ($1000), 2nd ($750), and 3rd ($500) Place awards.
- Salon des Refusés work will be placed in the Jacob Foyer, eligible for People’s Choice Awards of $100, $75, and $50.
- Additional awards include: a Judges Award of $100 for best work by artist under 18; a Collage Group Award of $100 for best collage; and a Founders Award of $100 awarded by the three founders of The Salon show.
Registration fee:
- $15 per entry, $20 for Not For Sale entries.
- Up to two entries allowed per artist.
- Registration fee waived for artists under 18
For this exhibit, artists are encouraged to use any media.
- The work submitted must be original to the artist, should be no more than two years old, and cannot have been previously exhibited at Gualala Arts.
- Gualala Arts will retain 30% commission on all sales of entries (and multiples) made during the course of the exhibit. It is Gualala Arts policy to request the artist to submit to Gualala Arts 10% of any future sales generated as a result of the Gualala Salon & Salon des Refusés.
- Please ensure all artwork is professionally prepared for hanging or display (no clip frames, etc.) and can be displayed with minimum of effort. NO screws or anchor bolts will be used for hanging; if needed, modify your art to be hung by wire picture hanger.
- Gualala Arts is not liable for loss of, or damage to, any artwork or installation, at any point in the process.
- Gualala Arts does not insure artwork. Exhibitors should insure their artwork if they deem it necessary.
- Entered artwork must be delivered to Gualala Arts Center 46501 Old State Highway, Gualala, CA 95445 June 6, 2023, noon-3pm.
- When delivering art, include a label with your name and the title of the entry securely attach to each piece.
- Artist must agree to have their art used for show publicity.
- Regarding large pieces: total width of wall art is limited to 8′ per artist (the total width of both pieces).
- If using Paper Registration, send checks along with registration form to Gualala Salon C/O Gualala Arts, PO Box 244, Gualala CA 95445
- An “Artist Statement” is recommended; a photograph is optional for each artist. Please submit with your Entry Forms or bring with art upon delivery to Gualala Arts. The curator will provide a binder to display with exhibit.