Paper Legends

Paper Legends features the art work of Donnalynn Chase, Ruth Downes, Jackie Gardner, Paula Haymond, Polly Hutcheson, Mirka Knaster, Susan Lewis, Sharon Nickodem, Janet Self, Elizabeth Solomon, Shayla Workman and Amethyst Widner (age 4). This exhibit of paper-based creativity Public Reception has been postponed from January 13 at the Gualala Arts Center to Friday, January 20, from 4 – 6 p.m. The exhibit continues through Sunday, February 5. The “Paper Legends” show is curated by Polly Hutcheson and Elizabeth Solomon.
A striking feature of this show is 6’ paper bag kimonos, each made from 11 paper grocery bags and decorated according to the whim of the artists. These will be literally hanging from the rafters in the foyer. Other recycled and reconstructed objects will include handmade books such as paper bag books, accordion books, star books, letter press books, triangular prism book, folded sculpture books, flag books, sewn books and miniature books. Wall art will display collages using vintage and reclaimed papers and cardboard. Styles will vary from traditional to pop art and everything in between.
The plasticity of paper allows endless possibilities of form, and combined with stories and messages in writing and images the artists delight in communicating their ideas to you, the viewer. The work “Metamorphosis of Self” (Janet Self) is a study of personal transformation while experiencing grief, joy, and change. It’s a creative journey to “eldering” with an emphasis on listening and receiving. “Yayoi Kusama kimono” (Polly Hutcheson) is a tribute to the groundbreaking artist. The Collage Group made a Collaborative Kimono. Letterpress books (Donnalynn Chase and Ruth Downes) make use of movable type that is locked in a chase before ink is transferred from the type to the paper manually, a process invented in the 15th century (by Johannes Gutenberg). It produces a luxurious feel by printing into thick paper which offers a textural debossed effect. “Storm Book” by Jackie Gardner has covers that were a photocopy of storm debris she picked up from the ground and took to a blueprint shop to use their groundbreaking color printer 20 years ago. Family Tree (Sharon Nickodem) is a sculpture created by using a discarded book that was headed to a landfill. She finds inspiration in recycling and reuse. Amethyst Widner delights us with a Miniature Paper Bag Kimono garland.
This art show is a wide-ranging demonstration of paper metamorphosis. Serious and humorous, casual and painstaking, legendary and factual, huge and tiny … young and old artists have come together to delight you with paper.
Many of these artists have worked together in the Art Center’s Collage Interest group held on Tuesday afternoons the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. “Paper Legends” continues through Sunday, February 5, 2023.
Featuring the artwork of:
& Shayla Workman