August 18 through September 4, 2022
61st Annual Art in the Redwoods Online! & In Person Fine Arts Exhibit
Pick Up days are Monday & Tuesday, September 5 & 6 noon – 3pm
View Online Exhibit Here
Gualala Arts Would like to Thank Our Sponsors!

Mark Quattrocchi & Tina Kelly
Andrea A. Lunsford
Mary Sue Ittner & Bob Rutemoeller
Elizabeth Lane, Roll with it Catering &
Brennie Brackett Fine Art, Dale Elliott & Chris Mengarelli,
Sharon Hiles
Drew McCalley & Marilyn Green
Jr’s Home and Auto Center,
Mango Grits

Ken Smith & Lucia Christopher, Jim Suhr, Joyce Tarr, Dr Paul White,

George & Kathryn Anderson, Keith & Leslie Blodgett,
Frances Coleman & David Woodward, Ferrellgas, Fire Safety Supply,
Jesus & Carole Garcia, Robert & Sandy Goldberg, Gualala Lions Club,
Deidre Harrison & Thomas Crane, Paula Haymond & Gabriella Rappaport,
Independent Coast Observer, Ignacio Health Insurance Services,
It’s It Ice Cream, Jane Kelley Bookkeeping & Hall Kelley Org Inc., KTDE, Lighthouse Peddler,
Luxe Places International Realty, Bob & Sophia Mitchell,
North Coast Brewing Company, Pencil Box Architects, Inc, Rotary Club of Gualala, Lee Rye, Martha Sanford, The Sea Ranch Foundation, Dorothy Spalding, Solid Waste Of Willits, Buddy & Jodi Warner, Barry & Kathryn Weiss & Westamerica Bank
Katie Adams & Oscar Cartagena, George & Kathryn Anderson, Betty Bailey, Todd Barnhouse, Paddy & Paul Batchelder, Clark & Rosemary Beall, Anne Marie Bingo, Keith & Leslie Blodgett, Margaret Bolt, Zina Bower, Brennie Brackett, Shirley Brice Heath, Scott & Laura Bridge, Kyle Brunel, Jane Casner Mothesill, Scott Chieffo, Mike Christensen & Kathy Tegtmeier, Madison Connor-Jasso, Erin Riley & John Crowley, Ken Smith & Lucia Christopher, Colette Coad, David Woodward & Frances Coleman, Cathleen Crosby, Akiko & Jim Docker, Caroline Ducato, Maryse Frivold, Jr Roddy & Krisie Galletti, Carole & Jesus Garcia, Sean Gaynor-Rousseau, Robert & Sandy Goldberg, Drew McCalley & Marilyn Green, Katherine & Lance Gyorfi, Charles Halbert & Anna Arthur, Wayne Harris, Deidre Harrison & Thomas Crane, Bill & Karen Hay, Gabriella Rappaport & Paula Haymond, Ben & Wilma Klagenberg, Randall & Beverly Hawks, Stephen Hood & Melissa Lisbon, Vanessa Ignacio, Mary Sue Ittner & Bob Rutemoeller, Charlie Ivor, Jeanne Jackson, Barbara Johannes, Bruce Jones, Jon Handel & Ling Yen Jones, Inge Karlshoej, Kim Kellet, Mark Quattrocchi & Tina Kelly, Jane & Hall Kelley, Cindy Kennedy, Phill Kennedy, Elizabeth Lane, Andy Lang, Dan Laux, Dansie & Roger Little, Derek Lorenz, Andrea A. Lunsford, Leigh Anne Lyndsey, AHarriett McGuire, Steve McLaughlin, Dale Elliott & Chris Mengarelli, Bob & Sophia Mitchell, Mark Moelter, Fawn Nekton, Sharon Nickodem, James & Marcia Nybakken, Kalynn Oleson, Doug Paul, Judy Pfeifer, Susan Bernardo & Kevin Polk, Suzi Pollard, James Adrian Adams & Janet Pierucci, Susan Bernardo & Kevin Polk, Paula Haymond & Gabriella Rappaport, Jane & Jonathan Raymond, Bill & Mary Retzer, Craig Rodgers, Martha & Dionely Rodriguez, Lee Rye, Martha Sanford, Randy & Jan Saufferer, Ruth Short, David Shpak, RP Singh, Chuckie & Patty Sorensen, Dorothy Spalding, Dolly & David Steffen, Kendra Stillman, Harmony & Sus Susalla, Joyce Tarr, Karen Tracy, Michael Tully, Wendy Van Dyck, Jerry Ward, Buddy & Jodi Warner, Barry & Kathryn Weiss, Dr Paul White, Eric & Karen Wilder, In memory of Norman Wohlken, Joan Wood & Alex Ross, Harriet Wright, Susan Zetzer
Important Dates:
Monday, July 25
Entry deadline. You can enter here
Friday, August 12 Noon – 3 pm
Installation of wall glass, large, or fragile artwork, call for appointment before Aug 1
Saturday-Sunday, August 13-14, Noon – 3 pm
Deliver artwork to Gualala Arts Center, 46501 Old State Highway, Gualala, California (No work will be accepted after 3pm, no exceptions)
Thursday, August 18 4-7 pm
Boxed Hat Dinner, Fine Art sneak preview. Call to reserve your take-out box, vegetarian and fish options available
Friday, August 19, 4-7 pm
Critique and Live streaming awards announcements at Artists are requested and encouraged to view the award presentations
Saturday & Sunday, August 20 & 21
In person Exhibit will be open to the public along with Artist Booths on the grounds
Monday, August 22
Closed for “International Art in the Redwoods Recovery Day”
Monday-Tuesday, September 5-6, Noon – 3 pm
Pick Up Artwork, artwork released to artists and buyers until Tuesday 3 pm, thereafter $5 per day storage fee per piece
(Click here for the general information page).
Call Description:
Please join Gualala Arts for Art in the Redwoods fine art exhibit! We continue to use the online registration and artwork submission process, and will feature online gallery displays, online sales, online viewer feedback comments, and streaming awards announcements. For those choosing not to exhibit in person, we have added a separate online-only category. The in-person exhibit is limited to the first 350 submitted pieces, and overflow entries will be moved to the ONLINE-ONLY! category, so enter early!
All Gualala Arts member-submitted pieces are accepted for Art in the Redwoods. Art awards will total more than $5,000 this year, all provided by local sponsors. Award-winning artwork is s
Categories: Oil Acrylics etc. (single surface), Water Media single surface (with adhesives enter in mixed media), Prints & Graphics (originals only – no giclees or reproductions), Sculpture (any material), Monochromatic Photography, Color Photography, Digital Art, Pastels & Drawings, Woodworking, Glass, Jewelry & Ornamentation (limited editions of 250 or less), Clay & Mosaic, Fibers Textiles & Soft Sculpture, Quilts, Collage Mixed Media & 2-D Assemblage, Weaving, Video Clips (one minute or less – any subject), ONLINE-ONLY! (all categories)elected by the Fine Art Exhibit judges, and our visitors and gallery viewers will be able to purchase your artwork directly from the online gallery or in person at Gualala Arts.
Entry Instructions:
Art in the Redwoods is a members-only exhibit, all entrants must be a member of Gualala Arts. If you are NOT currently a member, you may pay $32 for an individual membership with your first entry, or go to and purchase your membership directly ($30 Individual, $50 Family).
– Artists may enter up to four (4) pieces of artwork.
– Each piece requires a separate entry, so artists may submit up to four (4) entries.
– Exhibiting In-person is REQUIRED for all pieces entered in all categories except the ONLINE-ONLY! category.
– ALL entries must be a part of the online exhibit.
– Total pieces for the in-person exhibit are limited to 350. Overflow entries will be moved to the ONLINE-ONLY! category/competition, so enter early.
NOTE: the ONLINE-ONLY! category judging and awards are 1st/2nd/3rd only, and not included in main categorized competition or special awards.
– Gualala Arts, Inc. is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of artworks entered in the exhibit at any time in the exhibit process.
– Exhibiting Artists are solely responsible for their work.
– Gualala Arts does not insure artwork. Exhibiting Artists should insure their work if they deem it necessary.
– Up to four images per piece may be uploaded for judges to view.
– The FIRST image uploaded will be the ONLY one displayed in the public online gallery.
– For framed works, you may choose an unframed image of the artwork for the gallery view and include a description of the frame and matte in your piece description (preferred), or use an image of the framed piece as your gallery image.
– For three dimensional pieces, we suggest a full image of the piece for the gallery view, and showing the artwork from different angles in your secondary images for judges.
– For Diptych and Triptych entries, the FIRST image uploaded (the online gallery view) must contain all elements.
– Submission of entry indicates Artist acceptance of all conditions stated in this document, including all entry and exhibit requirements listed here:
– be entered by a living Artist who created the artwork within the last two (2) years
– never have been previously exhibited at Art in the Redwoods
– have accurate representational images uploaded with EntryThingy submission- be authorized for exhibit on our website (Check the box agreeing that your artwork images may be used for show publicity and the gallery widget.)
– be subject to judging and prizes
– be priced for sale or ‘NFS’ if any piece is not for sale (NFS item fee is double the Entry Fee)
Title and Materials labels are limited to 35 characters each (including blank spaces) on the entry form. In-person exhibit title cards will be edited by staff if this limit is exceeded.
– Multiples sales are limited to photography, digital art, and prints ONLY
– Artist is responsible for shipping/delivering sold multiples to Gualala Arts by Friday, September 3rd OR arranging shipping/delivery directly to buyer at buyer’s expense
Receipt of any shipped/delivered items must be confirmed by buyer to Gualala Arts before Artist payment will be released
– Artist understands this special category is not included in traditional category judging and awards (ONLINE-ONLY! category 1st/2nd/3rd place awards only)
– Artist is responsible for shipping/delivering sold ONLINE-ONLY! pieces to Gualala Arts by Friday, September 3rd OR arranging shipping/ delivery directly to buyer at buyer’s expense
Receipt of any shipped/delivered items must be confirmed by buyer to Gualala Arts before artist payment will be released
– Artist may make changes to their online entry free of charge up until the entry deadline on July 25 (call Kendra at 707-884-1138)
– After the July 25 entry deadline, changes can only be made during art intake by filling out a change form, paying a $10 fee, and supplying new artwork image(s) as needed for the online gallery (See UPLOAD IMAGES section for information and suggestions about the main gallery image and multiple judges views)
– to change category classification of any piece
– at its sole discretion, to refuse to display any artwork
– Art in the Redwoods is a members-only exhibit, all entrants must be a member of Gualala Arts. If you are NOT currently a member, you may pay $32 for an individual membership with your first entry, or go to and purchase your membership directly ($30 Individual, $50 Family)
– $10 per piece (for sale)
– $20 per piece if not for sale (NFS)
– $10 to change your entry after July 25 entry deadline (call Kendra at 707-884-1138 to change your entry online before July 25 deadline free of charge)
– Entry Fees are non-refundable
– Exhibit Entry Fees for Artists under 18 years old are waived (contact Kendra at 707-884-1138 or for instructions before entry submission)
– Gualala Arts retains 30% commission on all art sales or multiples sales
– Artist payment checks will be issued within two weeks of the end of the month in which the sale was made, providing buyer confirms receipt of artwork for any online-only or multiples shipped/delivered items
It is Gualala Arts policy to request the Artist submit to Gualala Arts 10% of any future sales generated as a result of the Art in the Redwood Exhibit. Send payments to: Gualala Arts P.O. Box 244, Gualala, CA 95445
– Total more than $5,000!
– $500 Best of Show
– $100 Best Local Work (Jenner to Elk)
– $100 Most Popular (voted by viewers)
– $100 1st Place each category (blue ribbon) No entry minimum required
– $ 75 2nd Place each category (red ribbon) 5 entries minimum required
– $ 50 3rd Place each category (white ribbon) 10 entries minimum required
– $100 Redwood Coast Land Conservancy
– $100 Friends of the Gualala River
– $100 Mendonoma Sightings
– $100 Beading Excellence
– $100 Figure Drawing
– $100 Emerging Artist (best work under 18)
– Ribbons for Judges Awards
Award presentations will be made at approximately 6pm on Friday August 19 via Social Media. Artists are requested and encouraged to view the award presentations.