GREAT NEWS! The Beautiful books have arrived and are available for purchase at Gualala Arts Center, Dolphin Gallery or by calling 1-707-884-1138 and online now!
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THE BEAUTIFUL: Poets Reimagine a Nation

Gualala Arts is proud to announce its publication of THE BEAUTIFUL: Poets Reimagine a Nation. To mark the beginning of Poetry Month, the anthology will be released in the first week of April, 2022.
THE BEAUTIFUL highlights the United States’ foremost poets, one from each U.S. state, district, commonwealth, and territory, all celebrating the beauty around them. The result is a multi-generational, multimedia anthology of a deeply personal nature, one filled with collective wisdom.
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we want to share a little beauty with you all. Here’s Ama Codjoe’s piece representing the state of Tennessee in THE BEAUTIFUL!

About this photo Ama Codjoe writes, “My twin cousins celebrated their first birthday in Memphis, Tennessee, on St. Patrick’s Day. And though we aren’t Irish, their parents sported bright green shirts that read: Lucky. Fifty years after Dr. King’s assassination on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel, there is still a need to proclaim ‘I Am a Man.’ And yet, the children are eager for cake. And yet, sometimes we feel our blessings like a crown of flowers on our heads.”

Read more about THE BEAUTIFUL—
Featuring US Poet Laureates, Pulitzer Prize-winning poets, poet-teachers, and experimental poets, this collection revolutionizes our ideas of beauty and belonging.
About the anthology, Juan Felipe Herrera has said, “Each artist here, each photographer here, each moment here can change our lives.”
Contributors include:
Joy Harjo, Jericho Brown, Sawako Nakayasu, Jaime Cortez, Eileen Myles, Ching-In Chen, Tiphanie Yanique, Julio César Pol, Akwi Nji, X’unei Lance Twitchell, giovanni singleton, Evelyn San Miguel Flores, Rob Halpern, E. Ethelbert Miller, Arthur Sze, Cortney Lamar Charleston, Sun Yung Shin, Dorianne Laux, Raquel Salas Rivera, Oliver Baez Bendorf, Ama Codjoe, Craig Dworkin, Marcus Amaker, Dan Taulapapa McMullin, Felicia Zamora, No’u Revilla, and others.
Click here to watch video
Edited by Dana Teen Lomax, Published by Gualala Arts, 170 Pages, ISBN: 979-8-9850219-6-7, LCCN: 2021925824

About the Editor
Dana Teen Lomax is a multi-genre artist and activist. The author of several poetry books and numerous chapbooks, her last editorial project, Kindergarde: Avant-garde Poems, Plays, Stories, and Songs for Children (Black Radish Books), was awarded a San Francisco Creative Work Fund Grant and won the 2014 Johns Hopkins University Press Lion and Unicorn Prize for Excellence in North American Poetry. With Jennifer Firestone, she edited Letters to Poets: Conversations About Poetics, Politics, and Community (Saturnalia), which Cornel West called a “courageous and visionary book.” Dana’s writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, published and anthologized internationally, named among the Guerilla Girls’ favorite poetry books, and received grants and awards from Intersection for the Arts, the Academy of American Poets, the California Arts Council, the San Francisco Foundation, the Marin Arts Council,
the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Cel del Nord, and other organizations. Lomax collaborates with artists from all over the country; has taught writing in libraries, schools, prisons, and universities; and served as the Human Rights and Equity Chair for her teachers’ union. She lives in Northern California with her family. Dana’s writing, editorial work, and short films can be found at