One of the certain signs that the holiday season is on the way is the re-opening of Uncle Sus’s Attic. Each year, Gualala Arts creates a retail space filled with an amazing variety of gifts. Gifts large and small. Gifts for your favorite family member or friend (like the painting at right.) Uncle Sus’s Attic has re-opened at the Dolphin Gallery in Cypress Village Gualala, and will stay active right through the end of the year. And Santa’s Mailbox is there too for childrens’ letters to Santa with their wants and wishes.
The gifts available for purchase are donated by friends and members of Gualala Arts, and also by people simply visiting the coast. Each donation is a new or very lightly-used item that will appeal to people shopping for a unique gift to give.**

The Dolphin, staffed by volunteers, features art and fine crafts by local artists and those in the extended coastal communities of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. These artists frequently serve as
volunteers at the gallery. The inventory changes regularly, and each month the Gallery presents exhibits of work by local artists who are members of Gualala Arts. Visitors to Gualala return to the Dolphin time after time to enjoy the shopping experience and see the new exhibits.
Also available are a wonderful selection of Gualala Arts-branded gifts including wearables (shirts, caps and more), glassware and so much more. There’s also a selection of Scott Chieffo’s amazing photographs and gift cards.
The Dolphin Gallery and Gift Shop is at 39114 Ocean Drive, Cypress Village, in Gualala’s Uptown Gallery District. Regular hours are Thursday through Monday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Information is at 707.884.3896 and at Stop win and visit. Admission is Free.
**In the twinkle of an eye (or the nod of a nose), gift givers at a loss for ideas, will discover Uncle Sus’s Attic at the Dolphin Gallery. If you think you have something that qualifies as “lightly loved” and worth donating call Sus or Kendra at 707-884-1138 to make arrangements. Please consider only high quality, lightly used items for donation, and preferably something that can be carried home. (Large furniture pieces and heavily-worn items are discouraged.) Get in on the fun at the Dolphin Gallery.