North Coast Landscape Quilts, with Margreth Barrett
Most of us on the Mendonoma coast have chosen to live here for the stunning natural beauty that surrounds us–magnificent redwoods, the spectacular ocean and beaches, lovely wildflowers and rustic farms. This two-day workshop will assist participants to express these glorious surroundings in fabric. Participants will use one of three photographs as a guide for their quilts (see the materials list for the photos), and combine piecing, raw-edge applique, Sharpies and free-motion quilting techniques to make their own interpretation of our beautiful environs.
find materials list & photographs here
Margreth Barrett grew up in the hot, flat, buggy pine woods of North Florida. She escaped to Northern California in 1981 and spent most of her career as a Professor of Law at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, specializing in intellectual property law. During those many years she visited the Mendonoma Coast every summer, roaming the forests and bluffs, dreaming of a time when she could focus on channeling her love for this place into fabric art. She was able to retire here in 2013, and has been happily quilting ever since. She has displayed her landscape quilts at the PPQG and Fort Bragg Guild shows, and has won blue ribbons at Gualala Art Center’s Art in the Redwoods Festival the past two years. She is mostly self-taught. Other landscape quilters whose books she finds particularly helpful and inspiring include: Gloria Loughman’s Luminous Landsapes, Gloria Loughman’s Radiant Landscapes Joan Calvin’s Nature’s Studio, and Nancy Zieman and Natalie Sewell’s The Art of Landscape Quilting.