About Robert Rhoades
Although Robert Rhoades grew up on the east coast, following his graduation from Duke University, he decided to come west when he was recruited to teach in California in 1970. Since 1982, he has lived and taught drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture at the College of the Redwoods, where he chaired the Department of Art and from which he recently retired. Retirement has not kept him from teaching, however; Rhoades still offers short courses at Gualala Arts Center and the Mendocino Art Center.

“Content, context, and craft, the “three Cs,” are principles Rhoades says he developed over four decades of teaching and creating, informing both his classical and contemporary work, which is also inspired by the spectacularly beautiful scenery of northern California. Rhoades speaks passionately of two major influences in his life and art: teaching and travel. About teaching, he says that working to instill the fundamental principles of color, design, and drawing in “every student I have taught over my forty years in the profession” has guided his own development as an artist. And as to travel, Rhoades says “I cannot visit a major city in the world without drinking in the treasures of its museums.” He likens visiting a museum to “sitting down for a latte or glass of wine with the most creative, cultured, eccentric, and witty minds of a place and time.”

During trips to Mexico, Europe, and Japan, Rhoades studied paper making with contemporary paper makers in each place he visited. His show at the Dolphin will emphasize his work in and of handmade paper. To see some extraordinary images of his work, visit his website at www.creeksidestudioes.com

About Paul Brewer
Well known to residents of the Mendonoma coast, Paul Brewer’s photographs aim to capture, in stunning detail, the wildlife, seascapes, and landscapes of the northern California coast. As he says, his mission is to depict “the amazing wonders and natural beauty that surround us and to make those images available for others to enjoy at reasonable prices.”
Brewer’s photographs are displayed at the Highlight Gallery in Mendocino, at the Cove Azul restaurant in Gualala, and can frequently be found in Jeanne Jackson’s Mendonoma Sightings column in the Independent Coast Observer. His photographs have won numerous awards, including “Most Popular” at the 2014 and 2016 Art in the Redwoods competitions. Readers may also have seen Brewer’s work on the cover of the 2017 Mendonoma Travelers Guide.

A pioneer in the technique of using metal as the base for photographs, Brewer early on adopted the use of dye-infused metal prints, which have become increasingly popular. Today, all of his photographs are presented on metal.
Brewer notes that this is the third time his photographs have been featured at the Dolphin. For this show, he has chosen to combine some all-time customer favorites with brand new and never-before-seen works. For a preview of Brewer’s show, see many of his stunning photographs at https://CapturingNaturesWonders.com.