The first Dolphin Gallery show of 2018 features the Gualala Arts Life Drawing Group. The collection of pieces organized by curator CC Case represents the talents of many familiar names. In this exhibit, viewers will see how artists choose to depict the human body in a variety of techniques and using a variety of tools. Some draw with graphite or charcoal, some paint with pastels, acrylics, watercolors, or oils and some are inspired to create sculptures.

“The unclothed figure presents complexities and challenges that can be applied to any art form – conveyance of texture, proportion, movement, and emotion, the interplay of light and shadow. The artist must quickly make decisions about composition, size, and what can be drawn in a limited time frame. It requires concentration and hand-eye coordination,” Case said.

Participating artists include Dorise Ford, Lisa Scola-Prosek, Jack O’Rourke, Bruce Jones, Tim McKusick, Joan Rhine, Lamar VanGunten, Jane Raymond, Elizabeth Lane, Anne Vernon, DeDe Plaisted, Larain Matheson, Becky Thompson, Leslie Moody-Cresswell, Eric Wilder, and CC Case. Examples of their work can be found on-line by Googling “Gualala Arts Figure Drawing.”
For over thirty-five years, five to twelve artists have gathered weekly at the art center on Wednesday afternoons to work with a single model. No formal instruction is provided. After a series of two-minute warm up poses the model provides two five-minute poses and some longer ones lasting up to an hour. Artists attending share the $80 modeling and venue fees.
Typically, group members have always had a talent for artistic expression, but career paths and “life” have prevented them from devoting time consistently to their interest until retirement. Case, for example, dropped by one Wednesday after moving to the area in 2011 and has been an active participant ever since. The blend of scenery, small town environment, and an active art community make the area irresistible for her, she said.
All artists, regardless of ability or level, are invited to participate in this open studio exercise. It is a discipline that especially helps beginning artists to improve. Models rotate and new ones are always needed. All ages and body shapes are welcome. The only requirement is that the models be over the age of 18. Those interested in learning more can email Case at cccmcase@gmail.com.