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All artists have works in their portfolios created as a student – or earlier – while learning and practicing their chosen medium. This exhibition asks artists to revisit works from their past and revision them.

With wisdom and skills collected throughout a lifetime, how does an artist progress? Perhaps a theme or an underlying narrative appears? Does a particular style emerge or has it changed completely? Has the artist switched genres during their career? After years of insight, what will the past reveal in an artist’s contemporary thought processes?
For this show, artists are asked to delve into their past portfolios and reinterpret older, past works according to their skills acquired and knowledge of their world today. As a younger student, the art world is full of never-before-seen or practiced methods of art-making. Over the years, as an artist progresses further into their art, influences and themes change and understandings merge; the wish to revision particular pieces from the past seeks revisiting.

This is a side-by-side show that allows the viewing audience to see first-hand an artist’s progression and also get to know the possible recurring themes and or symbols which are often revisited.
An Artist’s Statement will be displayed alongside each pair of past and present works which will further the viewer’s understanding of an artist’s transition.
The show will consist of 2-D and 3-D media; older works alongside newer, revisioned and revisited works not previously shown before, curated by Leslie Moody Cresswell.
This is an open call to all artists in all 2D and 3D media.