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Inspired by…
The theme for Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild’s 21st annual quilt challenge is “Inspired by…”

Members were challenged to choose something – a photograph, a piece of art (old or new Master work), postcard, scenic view, object d’art – and to felt/stitch and/or quilt their own interpretation in fabric in one, two or three dimensions.
The inspiration could come from the theme of the work, such as how were the colors and shapes used, or a thought about the work – “What would Mrs. Monet paint? Maybe she would have painted the fabric, cut it up and reassembled it to look nothing at all like her artist husband’s work but it would be her inspiration derived from of his work.”

The Piecemakers guild has been challenging members for 21 years to interpret many different themes, such as Log Cabin, Going Green and Self Portrait. The guild is about 100 members strong and there is a vast range of artistic style and talent. Each year participating members have stretched their artistic talents and really shown their best work in this show.
The show is not juried nor judged, so it encourages creativity at all levels. It is always a great thrill to see someone new to quilting/art quilts show their work alongside long-time quilters.
PPQG meets monthly at Gualala Arts Center. Meetings are on the third Friday of each month. Please check the PPQG website at Meetings feature well-known artists and guild members who conduct workshops and speak to the guild membership.