What’s love got to do with it?
Pretty much everything!

Love in all its various forms is undoubtedly the most driving force in human behavior. And Love is one of the most common themes in the creative arts – countless poems, operas, songs, sculptures, paintings, have been created throughout human history in every era and culture.
The focus of this show is to present artists’ interpretations of what Love is to them in whatever way individual artists wishes to approach it: personally, emotionally, intellectually, religiously, figuratively, conceptually, literally, abstractly, subconsciously, comically, tragically, satirically or even absurdly.
Curators of this exhibit asked artist to look at “love” as only an artist can and bring what they found to this show.
It isn’t a coincidence that this exhibit is scheduled for February, the month of St. Valentine’s Day. Love will be in the air and, as the Beatles say “All you need is love!”
This is an OPEN CALL to ALL North Coast Artists Guild ARTISTS and to all member artists of the Artists Collective in Elk, The Coast Highway Artists Collective in Point Arena and the Discovery Gallery Artists Collective in Gualala and any other artist’s collective in the area that we may have missed. And if you’re not a member of the North Coast Artists Guild or any of the collectives, you can join the North Coast Artists Guild for the low price of $25!
By BLM Nevada – Burning Man 2014: Caravansary, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46529179