This show will feature a wide variety of works by local artists who are both artists and volunteers at the Dolphin Gallery or members of Gualala Arts support staff. The exhibit will continue through Dec. 30.

The Dolphin Holiday Exhibit will feature 14 artists. The works on display will include photography, fiber, jewelry, watercolor, oil painting, encaustic, print making, collage and mixed media. Many of the artists will be present at the opening reception, and snacks will be served along with several choices of wine.

“The Dolphin Gallery epitomizes the ‘Go Local’ and ‘Made Local’ ethos,” says David “Sus” Susalla, Gualala Arts Executive Director. “Come to this wonderful exhibit and do your Holiday shopping close to home, while supporting the wonderful volunteers and staff who keep the Dolphin Gallery running.”

Dolphin Gallery is located at:
39225 Highway 1 in downtown Gualala, CA
Open 10 a.m .-4 p.m . Thursday-Monday(closed Tuesday & Wednesday)