10+ Techniques using Acrylic Inks

Instructor: Judy Coates-Perez


Wednesday - Thursday, October 7 - 8, 2015, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Arts Center

Members of Gualala Arts and PPQG: $75; Members of Gualala Arts or PPQG: $85; Non-members: $95; plus $33 materials fee

Register by:   August 6, 2015; after that, check availability
Tuition:   Members of Gualala Arts and PPQG: $75
Members of Gualala Arts  or   PPQG: $85
Non-members: $95
Materials fee:   $33
Materials:   Acrylic Inks materials list

Acrylic Ink, Judy Coates-Perez

Spend 2 days exploring surface design techniques: create colorful textured backgrounds, layering washes of color and imagery, by creating masks with freezer paper and make simple resists from common items found in the office supply store, explore mark making with different kinds of stamps, and drawing with quill and technical ruling pens, and learn to paint imagery opaquely and with a transparent watercolor look. This class is packed with tips and ideas of different ways to work with these versatile inks on fabric.

About the Instructor

Judy Coates-PerezJudy is an International award-winning mixed media textile artist, traveling globally to teach painting and mixed media techniques on fabric and to lecture about her creative process.

She received her BFA in graphic design from the Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design but found her true passion when she began working with textiles.

One part gypsy and two parts visual alchemist, she travels to new places, opening up new realms of possibilities for her students by revealing endless ways to combine paint, paper and metal with fabric and exploring the sources of inspiration we all too often overlook in our immediate worlds.

You can find her work between the pages of Quilting Arts and Cloth Paper Scissors magazines, in 3 instructional DVDs published by Interweave and see her on Quilting Arts TV.

Read about her work and creative process online at judycoatesperez.com.

Acrylic Ink, Judy Coates-Perez