Early Sunday morning of December 7, 2014 the Fairy Godmother of Gualala Arts, Elaine Jacob, made the transition we will all experience.
Elaine’s spirit has soared through the Arts Center since it was conceived. Elaine was on the planning, fund raising and design committees, Board of Directors and always a patron of the arts.
One story she liked to tell is about the slate floor in the Foyer. The design committee was going to go with a much smaller tile size. Elaine insisted that a larger 12 x 24 slate tile was to be used to go with the grand scale of the entrance. As we all know, Elaine got her way and one of the key elements to the Foyer is the wonderful floor. Elaine would wave her wand and magic would happen.
In fact, she used to like the idea of her new last name, Elaine Jacob ‘Foyer.’
Indeed Elaine was married to the idea of the Arts Center being built and succeeding well after we opened the doors. She led the charge with several fund raising efforts, many with matching grants, with the philosophy that “we do need to have others get involved so they will have the same sense of ownership that we do.”
Elaine also co-designed the Art in the Redwoods logo with Duane Gordon; they added the lettering of Gualala Arts in the Denmark font, with instructions to use this new logo as often as possible for branding our organization. She also used her design eye for newsletters, posters, fliers, brochures; you name it – Elaine would get involved, have an opinion and do it!
She was a great businesswomen and a wonderful mentor. We will try to carry on by emulating her strength, mindful eye for the bottom line, compassion, vision of a grand future for our community, love of the arts but most of all her creative muse and drive to get things done.
My personal relationship with Elaine is an invaluable treasure for which I thank you, Elaine. Being a fellow Detroiter we had a kinship that ran deep with stories of family back East…I am so grateful that you found a home and kingdom out here to place your throne. I thank you for welcoming me from the first time we met. I am personally honored to have served in your court and eternally grateful for the ongoing mentorship and guidance in maneuvering my way through your wonderful utopian land of the arts. I will call on you now more than ever to help me “manage my way through it.” You always had good advice and I will continue to follow it.
May your spirit soar high while we are down here getting things done for you…we wish you well on the transition we will all understand in time…You will always be the Fairy Godmother of Gualala Arts!
With Love & Appreciation,
David “Sus” Susalla,
Executive Director, Gualala Arts
(Elaine’s family has asked that memorial donations
be made in her name to Gualala Arts.)