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Art in the Redwoods Festival Sponsors (2011)
Gualala Arts is grateful to all our sponsors for their
support of this time-honored, community enriching event.
2011 Platinum Sponsor
Mary Sue Ittner & Bob Rutemoeller
2011 Gold Sponsors
Chef John Linderman of Cheese Please Catering Co.

Rams Head Realty & Rentals
2011 Silver Sponsors

Lagunitas Brewing Company

Surf Supermarket
2011 Bronze Sponsors
Bed Rock, Inc.
Bones Roadhouse
Dreyer's Charitable Foundation
Gelati Pazzo Marco
Greenwood Ridge Vineyards
Independent Coast Observer
Let Them Eat Cake
Marty & Steve Marshall
Mc Nab Ridge Winery
North Coast Sanitary
Pacini Distributing
Red Dog Farms
Roederer Estate
Saag's Meats
Solid Waste of Willits
Westamerica Bank
2011 Friends of Art in the Redwoods
George & Kathryn Anderson
Robin Ashford
Betty Bailey
Marilynn & Richard Balch
Joanna Barnes & Jack Warner
Paddy & Paul Batchelder
Clark & Rosey Beall
John & Lugene Boyd
Myron Bromberg
Bill & CE Brown
Don Kurtz & Molly Buckley
Donna & Ed Cahill
Roxanne & Bob Claflin
James & Elizabeth Coffee
Howard Curtis & Linda Opperman
Polly Dakin
Jimmy & Emily Dossett
Katherine Di Maio
Robert L. Elder & Jacqueline Baas
Teri Fagen
Joyce & Larry Gaudet
Joan & David Griffith
Jim Grossman & Lisa Suniman
Cassy & Alan Grossman
Bill & Sue Halderman
Russ & Judy Hardy
Karen & Bill Hay
Colin Heath
Shirley Heath
Diane & Bryant Hichwa
Sharon & Len Hiles
Debby Howard
Amie Ignacio
Elaine Jacob & Jean Brown
Steve & Anita Kaplan
Karen Karbana
Axel & Inge Karshoej
Ben & Wilma Klagenberg
Helen Klembeck
Jerry & Trisha Lawrence
Andrea A Lunsford
Michele & George Marshall
M. Kay Martin
Kelly Mason
Peggy & Mike Mee
Karel Metcalf & Jim Littlejohn
Tim McNeil
Robert & Sophia Mitchell
Wayne & Jane Novak
Sharon Nickodem
Lynda O'Brien
Betty O'Neil
Fred & Pat Owings
Linda Frye & Doug Patterson
Jane & Jon Raymond
Elizabeth Redfield
Jackson Reed
Bill & Mary Retzer
Sean & Tianna Rousseau
Richard & Connie Schimbor
Naomi Schwartz
Sandy Scott
Karen & Frank Serratoni
Betty & Roland Speth
David Sus & Harmony Susalla
Marianne Tan
Merry Marsh & Edward Tunheim
Teresa VanHatten-Granath
Ginger & Maurie Veys
Barry & Kathryn Weiss
Jim & CeCe Werson
Martha & Norman Wohlken
Harriet Wright
See also, sponsors for the
Fine Art Awards.
The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email
Join us in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Gualala Arts, 1961 - 2011
Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.