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Art in the Redwoods Festival
Fine Art Exhibit
How to Enter (2011)
The Art in the Redwoods Festival, the most popular and largest north coast art show in California, will take place on the 3rd weekend in August; the Fine Art exhibit runs through Labor Day weekend. Artists and artisans are invited to show and sell their works and to compete for generous awards, which include cash prizes, ribbons, and art supply gift certificates.
entry form
for the Art in the Redwoods indoor Fine Art exhibit,
complete with entry rules, available category options and list of awards,
is available for download
and at the Gualala Arts Center (707-884-1138).
Important Dates
April 30th
Vendor booth application deadline
3rd Monday in July
Art Exhibit entry form
Sunday of 2nd weekend in August
Drop off artwork
3rd weekend in August
** Art in the Redwoods Festival **
1st Monday-Tuesday in September
Pick up artwork
Entries must be postmarked by the 3rd Monday in July. The
first 420 entries will be accepted; entries received after that will be
put on a waiting list.
You must be a member of Gualala Arts (you may
join when turning in your form), and there is $10 fee for each piece
with a maximum of 2 pieces per artist. The artwork must be dropped off
in person on the second Sunday in August. We do not accept mailed artwork.
The outdoor artist vendor booth spaces are handled directly by Gualala
Arts. The non-refundable jury fee is $10, the space fee is $150, and
Gualala Arts will receive a 10% commission on sales. The application
must be postmarked by April 30.
A fifteen minute booth sitting service will be available to
artists who are alone. Additionally, artists with booths will receive complimentary
food tickets.
Vendor booth application
are available on our website or by calling Gualala Arts at (707) 884-1138.
Applications must be accompanied by images of artwork, plus image of booth.
For additional questions regarding the application process, please contact
Scott Chieffo at Gualala Arts.
For more information please call (707) 884-1138 or e-mail to
Art in the Redwoods
Fine Art Exhibit 2011
Entries posted as of July 22, 2011
Beatrice Acosta
Randall Agee
Andrea Allen
Andrea Allen
Francie Angwin-Pearce
Francie Angwin-Pearce
Bill Apton
Violet Arana
Mary Austin
Mary Austin
Roy Austin
Roy Austin
Joe Bacon
Joe Bacon
Jerrold Baker
Jerrold Baker
Ann Berger
Ann Berger
Judith Biehler
Judith Biehler
Ron Bolander
Ron Bolander
Dennis Bolt
Dennis Bolt
Margaret Bolt
Margaret Bolt
Ray Borton
Ray Borton
Verena Borton
Verena Borton
Ellen Boulanger
Ellen Boulanger
Obie Bowman
Obie Bowman
Paul Brewer
Paul Brewer
Tim Brody
Tim Brody
Bill Brown
Jennifer Bundy
Jennifer Bundy
Simon Burnett
George Bush
Araya Carreiro
Bob Carter
Jan Carter
Jan Carter
Robert Carter
CC Case
CC Case-Foss
Gretchen Chapler
Gretchen Chapler
Carol Chell
Carol Chell
Mary Frances Corcoran Barranti
Mary Frances Corcoran Barranti
Jen Costa
Jen Costa
Bette Covington
Bette Covington
Martin Covington
Martin Covington
Fred S. Cresswell
Fred S. Cresswell
Steven Crowningshield
Steven Crowningshield
Gary Curtis
Gary Curtis
Mary Davenport
Mary Davenport
Ardie Davis
Ardie Davis
Star Dehaven
Star Dehaven
Jo Dillon
Robert Dillon
David Donaldson
David Donaldson
Patrick Doyle
Patrick Doyle
Barbara Dunsmoor
Barbara Dunsmoor
Dwight Eberly
Dwight Eberly
Albert Edgerton
Lloyd Engelbrecht
Lloyd Engelbrecht
Drew Fagan
Drew Fagan
Frank Field
Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Hal Martin Fogel
Hal Martin Fogel
Jan Fogel
Jan Fogel
Dorise Ford
Dorise Ford
Sunny Franson
Sunny Franson
Jeanne Gadol
Jeanne Gadol
The Covington Gang
Jackie Gardener
Jackie Gardener
Trudi Garland
Trudi Garland
Lisa Garrett
Lisa Garrett
Joyce George
Joyce George
Mel Gerst
Mel Gerst
Breck Golithon
Susan Gonzalez
Susan Gonzalez
Tony Green
Tony Green
Jim Grenwelge
Jim Grenwelge
Pattie Grey
Pattie Grey
Rozann Grunig
Tom Haines
Tom Haines
Susan Halversen
Jon Handel
Jon Handel
Russell Hardy
Russell Hardy
Janice Haverty
Janice Haverty
Jane Head
Jane Head
Amie Heath
Amie Heath
Jennie Henderson
Jennie Henderson
Michael Henderson
Michael Henderson
Steve Henry
Sam High
Robert Holmes
Carolyn Horan
Carolyn Horan
Craig Horn
Doric Jemison-Ball
Doric Jemison-Ball
Barbara Johannes
Barbara Johannes
Bruce Jones
Bruce Jones
Ling-Yen Jones
Charles Judson
Charles Judson
Robert Jump
Robert Jump
Barbara Kelley
Barbara Kelley
Anne Kessler
Anne Kessler
Mirka Knaster
Mirka Knaster
David Kyle
David Kyle
Nancy Kyle
Nancy Kyle
Sterling Lanier
Sterling Lanier
Idona Larson
Idona Larson
Bill Lattin
Bill Lattin
Mary Neuer Lee
Geraldine Liabraaten
Geraldine Liabraaten
Paige Likins
Marilyn Limbaugh
Marilyn Limbaugh
Elliot Little
Elliot Little
Michael Lopatecki
Iris Lorenz-Fife
Rusty Makely
Jeani Martini
Jeani Martini
Siegfried Matull
Siegfried Matull
Connie Matz
Connie Matz
Jacqueline McAbery
Harriet McGuire
Harriet McGuire
Jamie McHugh
Jamie McHugh
Arna Means
Arna Means
Mike Mee
Jim Meilander
Jim Meilander
Kathleen Hugo Mills
Kathleen Hugo Mills
Leslie Moody
Leslie Moody
Linda Morley-Wells
Linda Morley-Wells
Dale Moyer
Susan Louise Moyer
Annie Murphy Springer
Annie Murphy Springer
Sharon Nickodem
Sharon Nickodem
Marilyn Niles
Marilyn Niles
Harald Nordvold
Harald Nordvold
P.T. Nunn
P.T. Nunn
Jack O'Rourke
Kalynn Oleson
Kalynn Oleson
Sandy Ostrau
Sandy Ostrau
Denise Otterson
Denise Otterson
Miriam Owen
Miriam Owen
Judy Pfeiffer
Judy Pfeiffer
Goldie Pounds
Barbara Pratt
Barbara Pratt
Gerda Randolph
Gerda Randolph
Rozanne Rapozo
Rozanne Rapozo
George Rathmell
Jane Raymond
Jane Raymond
Anthony Rees
Anthony Rees
Jane Reichhold
Jane Reichhold
Joan Rhine
Joan Rhine
Christoper Richards
Christopher Richards
Zach Robinson
Zach Robison
Jackie Rosenberg
Walt Rush
Ron Sackman
Ron Sackman
Kathleen Sandidge
Kathleen Sandidge
Susan Sandoval
Susan Sandoval
Jennifer Schoenberger
Jennifer Schoenberger
Karen Scott
Karen Scott
Peter Sidell
Peter Sidell
Jane Simmonds
Jeffrey Simon
Gail Sims
Marla Skibbins
Marla Skibbins
Richard Skidmore
Chris Boersma Smith
Fraser Smith
Fraser Smith
Gail Spencer
Gail Spencer
Sharon Stinson
Chris Stover
Chris Stover
Carol Tackett
Carol Tackett
Jim Tackett
Jim Tackett
Tracy Takahashi
Margery Tarp
Laura Taylor Morgan
Laura Taylor Morgan
Dean Thompson
Dean Thompson
Barbara Tocher
Barbara Tocher
Craig Tooley
Craig Tooley
Karen Tracy
Karen Tracy
DeAnn Tyler
DeAnn Tyler
Beth Vallee
Beth Vallee
Lamar VanGunten
Ravindra Vasavada
Ravindra Vasavada
Anne Vernon
Anne Vernon
Julie A. Verran
Julie A. Verran
Jim Vickery
Jim Vickery
Allen Vinson
Allen Vinson
Gayiel Von
Sabina Walla
Sabina Walla
Wiliam Ward
William Ward
Danielle Warner
Danielle Warner
Ginia Warnock
Tom Warnock
Tom Warnock
Jeff Watts
Jeff Watts
Liza Weaver-Brickey
Liza Weaver-Brickey
Curtis Weinrich
Curtis Weinrich
Phil Wendt
Brad Wilson
Brad Wilson
Genevieve Wilson
Genevieve Wilson
Toni Wilson
Toni Wilson
David Windsor
David Windsor
Janet Windsor
Janet Windsor
Peggy Zink
Peggy Zink
The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email
Join us in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Gualala Arts, 1961 - 2011
Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.