Adelle Platt, Encaustics Barry Semegran, Wood furniture
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through August 31
Dolphin Gallery
The Dolphin Gallery will present an exhibit titled "Hot Wax, Cool Furniture" from the opening Saturday, August 6 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. through Wednesday, August 31.
The exhibit will feature encaustics of Adelle Platt and wood furniture built by Barry Semegran.
About Adelle Platt
Adelle Platt's
work in encaustic has been an evolving process. During the past three years, she has used the molten beeswax, pigment and damar crystal mix (encaustic medium) in a variety of ways.
Through the process of splattering, dripping or layering the wax, then applying a heat source to fuse the layers one to another, she has created sculptural effects, exposed embedded materials (such as collage), created a surface that glistens like poured resin and, and, by simply applying hot wax to a heated anodized aluminum sheet, created mono prints.
Encaustic is an ancient form. The Roman scholar, Pliny the Elder, wrote about this painting medium in the 1st century A.D. in his book Natural History. The book discusses encaustic methods used by the Greeks and Romans in the 4th and 5th centuries B.C. In the early 1950s, the artist, Jasper Johns, initiated the resurgence of this ancient art form in America.
Platt states when working with encaustic you realize that the creative possibilities are limitless. Her latest work is inspired by her travels to Indonesia and Africa and remind her of the batik and bead work that she collected while visiting those countries.
To see more of Platt's work, please visit her web site,
About Barry Semegran
Working with wood for over thirty years, Barry Semegran has selected from his remarkable collection of unusual pieces of trees from various parts of our country and the world. Many of these woods have found their way into his past creations as furniture and accessories, but some of the best he promises to use for this exhibit.
Semegran will incorporate, among other woods, figured ash, sassafras, cherry, eucalyptus, and redwood burl into such things as tables, desks, benches, lamps, as well as smaller items also emphasizing function and grace. If time and space permit, there will be at least one piece crafted from wide walnut, cherry, maple, or ash, featuring the sheer beauty of a large slice of a tree's history written in the flow of its figure, color and grain patterns.
In addition to furniture making and wood artistry, Semegran spends a considerable amount of his time doing general woodworking and cabinetry for the residents of northern Sonoma and southern Mendocino counties. The time spent doing wood craft affords Semegran the opportunity to become more familiar with the feel of both hand and power tools. This craft work enables him to bring the improved facility of trained hands to the time spent in the wood art that will be on display in this exhibit. Most of Semegran's creations and commissions can be seen on his web site,
The Dolphin Gallery is located at
39225 Highway One in downtown Gualala, CA
(behind the post office on the south side).
Open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-3896 for more information.