Peggy Zink, Pastels
Jim Joyce, Forged Metal Sculpture
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 4, 2009, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through April 29
Dolphin Gallery
The Dolphin Gallery will feature the pastels of Peggy Zink and the forged metal sculpture of Jim Joyce from the opening Saturday, April 4 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. through April 29, 2009.
Jim Joyce, whose studio is located in Stewart's Point, last exhibited at The Dolphin in April of 2005. This exhibit will take him in new directions not seen before in public.
His work draws on a wide variety of design and joinery methods to create distinctive pieces that combines centuries-old metalworking methods with an imaginative eye. The result is not only a functional object, but also a singular artistic creation that can be prized for generations. Jim calls himself a jeweler for a home or business.
He typically uses a variety of metals - iron, stainless steel, bronze, copper and silver, but occasionally he will incorporate wood and stone. He derives his inspirations from objects found in nature, such as the gnarled and twisted shapes of an old manzanita tree. He employs handmade tools to produce the look of traditional artisans.
Jim first learned blacksmithing at the age of six when he assisted his grandfather at a backyard forge in Louisville, Kentucky. The skills learned helped pay his way through college. After a career as a corporate economist and later a tile contractor, he again took up blacksmithing in 1991. Since then, he has logged 2,000 plus hours a year in the shop.
In addition to his personal creations, Jim accepts commissions from both individuals and corporations. He also teaches his craft at classes conducted in his studio. He can be found giving demonstrations at historical recreations both in-state and outside California. He is active in the California Blacksmiths Association.
Peggy Zink tells us about herself, "I graduated from California College of Arts and Crafts in l974. I received a scholarship from the state of California to attend the college for 4 years. I majored in textile arts and took many drawing classes. Art History was very important to me and I took every art history class that was available. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
"I sold a textile mask that was a face made out of different fibers and threads to Bonnie Margolis who lived in Gualala in l975. She bought the mask at Art In The Redwoods. In 2007 I entered a chalk pastel in Art in the Redwoods and received first place in my category. A woman bought the piece and took it to her home in Sacramento, CA. I also sold a chalk pastel to a young girl in 2007 who bought it from the Dolphin Gallery. It was the first piece of art she had ever bought.
"I have my chalk pastels in peoples' homes on The Sea Ranch. Other cities that my work resides are Los Angeles, Denver, Mendocino and Long Beach, California.
"I had a one woman show at the Gallery of the Senses in Mendocino, California in 2004. I sold a pastel drawing of Boz Scaggs walking down the street in New York. I enjoyed having a show at The Gualala Hotel in 2004. I sold a large drawing of Clint Eastwood that was shown above the fireplace in the original dining room. I sold a very large chalk pastel of the ridge top above Stinson Beach, CA. A lady saw this painting at my show at The Sea Ranch Lodge a few years ago.
"I have studied color since I was in elementary school. I am always trying to combine different colors to see how they affect me and the drawing that I am working on. I like to weave the colors together. Color can change one's mood very quickly. When I need inspiration for my work I look at the sky and all that is in it. I also study the shapes, colors and forms in nature. I love to draw and paint clouds and water. Drawing people's faces is very challenging for me.
"I have enjoyed studying the history of chalk pastel which goes way back in art history to such artists as Degas, Cassatt, Lautrec and Da Vinci. Knowing that the pastel colors come from the earth is so inspiring to me."
The Dolphin Gallery is located at
39225 Highway One in downtown Gualala, CA
(behind the post office on the south side).
Open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-3896 for more information.