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Gualala Arts

Promoting public interest and participation in the arts since 1961.


Local Artist

Jennifer Bundey - Watercolors and Acrylics

Studio Discovery Tour artist Jennifer Bundey: Holy Fire I paint because I love color: its spirit, qualities and moods. I explore the drama between light and darkness, movement and stillness. I simply start with color. As the painting progresses, the composition arises out of the color dynamic. The finished piece retains an element of mystery.

Studio Discovery Tour artist Jennifer Bundey: Coast Fantasy My watercolor pieces begin with "veil painting" - a process in which every wash must dry before another is applied. I begin with one or two colors in transparent washes. As the layers build and overlap, new color tones and values are created. I intensify some areas toward their darkest extremes. I leave others almost invisible. I watch for the suggestion of forms and then assist their appearance. A period of artistic tension follows until the work feels complete.

Acrylics enable me to create with even more intensity, movement, and playfulness. These paintings also explore color relationships through polarities. The addition of polymer medium renders the acrylics fluid and versatile. It is a delight to add layer upon layer, yet still be able to see the foundation colors illuminated beneath the surface.

Studio Discovery Tour artist Jennifer Bundey: Blue View Studio Discovery Tour artist Jennifer Bundey: Fire & Ice II
Studio Discovery Tour artist Jennifer Bundey

Contact Information:

Jennifer Bundey
1101 Keeler Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94708

Phone: 510-843-2871

© copyright 2009 - all rights to the images are retained by the artist