Gualala Arts
Promoting public interest and participation in the arts since 1961.
Archive of past events: 2004 through 2014
Sketches - Gualala Arts' Monthly Newsletter
December 2008
- Cover: Wizard of Oz
- Festival of Trees Marketplace
- Wizard of Oz
- The History of Jazz Piano
- Christmas Concert for the Coast
- Gualala Arts Chorus:Holiday Concert and Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
- Interest Groups
- Artists from Three Rivers Studios
in the Burnett Gallery
- Dolphin Gallery Holiday Boutique
- Volunteer of the Month: Walter Guenther
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Coming in December & January
November 2008
- Cover: Festival of Trees Marketplace
- Chamber Music Series: Roy Bogas, piano and Peter Wyrick, cello
- Willson & McKee - Back by popular demand!
- Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
- Lectures: Healthy Aging and The Brain and National Weaver of Peru
- Festival of Trees Marketplace
- Holidays with Gualala Arts
in the Burnett Gallery
- Arna Means (printmaker) & Brenda Phillips (ceramics)
in the Dolphin Gallery
- Dolphin Gallery Holiday Boutique
- Congratulations Harriet Wright! 2008 Volunteer of the Year
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Coming in November & December
October 2008
- Cover: Ivan Ilić
- Chamber Music Series: Ivan Ilić
- Festival of Trees Marketplace
- Recycle Your Art & Second-hand Sale
- Lecture: Chocolate: Food of the Gods
- Images and Interpretations:
Photography by Gus and Sharon Feissel
in the Jacob Foyer
- The Deckle Edge Group
in the Burnett Gallery
- Roger Plowe and Meg Oldman (glass art), Anne Kessler (pastels)
in the Dolphin Gallery
- Roger Plowe and Meg Oldman (glass art), Anne Kessler (pastels) (continued)
- Lecture: Panama 2008
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Coming in October & November
September 2008
- Cover: Stained glass by Roy Little
- Studio Discovery Tour
- Studio Discovery Tour Preview in the Dolphin Gallery
- Tristan Codas
- Celebration of Life: Roy Little
- Lecture: Andean Textiles, Macchu Picchu and Much More
- Lecture: Motorcycle trip through Alaska
- Lecture: Exploring Mars: Humankind's Quest to Understand our Planetary Neighbor
- Exhibit: "6 Blue Eyes"
in the Burnett Gallery
- Exhibit: Dorothy Weicker & Susan Adamé
in the Jacob Foyer
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Coming in September & October
August 2008
- Art in the Redwoods - Cover images by Dwight Eberly
- Art in the Redwoods Entertainment
- Art in the Redwoods Judges
- Art in the Redwoods Top Hat Dinner
- 2008 Art in the Redwoods Festival
- Photo Flashback
- Photo Flashback (con't)
- Willa Marten / Robin Begbie Exhibit
in the Dolphin Gallery
- Dwight Eberly / Dianne Van de Carr Exhibit
in the Lodge Gallery
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Studio Discovery Tour
- Coming in August & September
July 2008
- Cover - Photo by Christos Nikopoulos
- Summer Chamber Music Weekend with Roy Bogas and Friends
Steel Magnolias
- Letter From the Director: Calling all members!
- "33 Years of Protecting California's Wildlife" with Danny Reno
"Preserving Sonoma County's Incomparable North Coast" - Sonoma Land Trust
- Christos Nikopoulos (photography) & Dianne Van De Carr (fused glass)
in the Dolphin Gallery
- Four Burnetts in the Burnett Gallery:
Inspiration from Switzerland
in the Burnett Gallery
- Metal & Silk - Integration: Ling-Yen Jones and Madeline Kibbe
in the Jacob Foyer
- Watercolors & Glass
in the Lodge Gallery
- What's New @ Gualala Arts Center
- Photo Flashback
- Interest Groups
- Coming in July & August
June 2008
- 35 Years Journey in Clay: Retrospective exhibit by Kazuko Kayasuga Matthews - cover
- Creative Writing Poetry Contest 2008 Awards Ceremony
- 2008 Summer Art Program for Youth
- Duane Gordon Celebration & Art Sale
Piano Recital by the students of The North Coast Conservatory of Music
- "Life, Death and Other Card Tricks" with Marty Covington
"Huichol Sacred Pilgrimage to Wirikuta" - Lecture and film with Larain Matheson
- Artists in Action
35 Years Journey in Clay: Retrospective exhibit by Kazuko Kayasuga Matthews
in the Burnett Gallery
- 35 Years Journey in Clay (continued)
- Arts for the Parks
in the Dolphin Gallery
- Spotlight On: Michele Marshall - our Volunteer of the Month
Committee of the Month: Garden Guild
- Workshops & Classes
- Interest Groups
- Coming in June & July
May 2008
- Fine Arts Fair - cover
- Editorial, Masthead, Thanks to Whale & Jazz Festival sponsors
- Call to Artists: Auditions for Steel Magnolias, and other events
- Fine Arts Fair
Travel to China, Tibet, and Cambodia - Lecture
- Chamber Music: Euclid Quartet
An Evening with City Swing
- Ted Noble, watercolors & Dina Gewing, ceramics
at the Dolphin Gallery
- Baskets and Beyond
at the Burnett Gallery
- High School Art & RuralMurals Project
in the Jacob Foyer
- Studio Discovery Tour Catalog Cover Competition
at the Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
- Workshops & Classes
- Interest Groups
- Coming in May & June
April 2008
- Cover: China: Past & Present
- A Tribute to Jane Reichhold, Former Editor of Sketches
- Earth Day Luncheon
Recycle Your Art & Second Hand Sale
- Manhattan Piano Trio, presented by the Chamber Music Series
Cantiamo Sonoma, presented by Local Eyes
- Interest Groups
- Workshops & Classes
Sixth Annual Whale & Jazz Festival program
- Photographic Explorations by Jeanne Gadol at the Dolphin Gallery
- China: Past & Present at the Burnett Gallery & Elaine Jacob Foyer
- Connections to the Universe at the Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
- Call to Artists
- Lecture: Surprising Saudi Arabia! with Charles Harper
Lecture: The Figure in Watercolor, with Don Andrews
Letters from the Library
- Coming in April & May
March 2008
- "Two Plus One"
Sita Milchev, Gloria Wood and Phil Atkins, with Don Krieger on Keyboards
- Editorial / Corrections / Masthead
Lecture: Unframing Experience by Jacquelynn Baas
Silverman's Photo Lecture
- Garden Guild Spring Celebrations Coming!
- Sixth Annual Whale & Jazz Festival Extended to Two Weekends
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Award-winning Daedalus Quartet To Appear In Coleman Auditorium
/ Classes
- Volunteers of the Month: Linda and Tom Warnock
- Call to Artists
- Exhibits:
PPQG Quilt Challenge: "I Found It in the Library"
Garden of Poetry and Enchanted Forest Garden Installation
JoAnne Abreu and Mel Gerst at the Dolphin Gallery
Connections to the Universe at the Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
- Coming in March & April
February 2008
- Cover: Celebrating 2007 Events - photo montage
- 2007 Annual Report Summary
- Gift Report: 2007 Honor Roll of Donors
- Gift Report: 2007 Honor Roll of Donors (con't)
Update from Russ Hardy, Gualala Arts Fundraising Chairman
- Editorial / Masthead / Thanks for the Donations!
Update on Gualala Arts Officers and Board of Directors
Mark Your Calendar: Annual Members and Board of Directors Meeting
See's Chocolates are Now Available at the Arts Center!
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Workshops (con't) & Classes
- Coming in February, March, April
Lecture: Introduction to the World of Mushrooms
- Interest Groups
- Concert: Violinist Nadya Tichman to Appear with Pianist Marc Shapiro
- Travel to India: the Golden Triangle
- How to Propose an Exhibit for Gualala Arts
- Call to Artists
- Exhibits:
Elementary School Art
Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
Meg Oldman (glass art) & Walt Rush (fine jewelry) at Dolphin Gallery
- Gualala Arts Interest Groups Exhibit
January 2008
- Cover: Chamber Music Concert Features Prodigies
- Festival of Trees - November 23 & 24
A Time for Children - photo montage
- Volunteers of the Month: Carrie & Don Krieger
- Editorial / Masthead / Festival of Trees a Huge Success!
India Beckons / Gualala Arts Chorus Open House
- Interest Groups
- Classes
Ramsay Lecture on Railroads
Lecture on Redwood Forest Conservation
- Coming in January, February, March
Santa Rosa Junior College Extension Classes at Gualala Arts Made Easy
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Call to Artists
The North Coast Artists' Guild Exhibit "Out of the Box"
Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
Sally Jaffee at Dolphin Gallery
- Gualala Arts IS - Gualala Arts Instructors Show
December 2007
- Cover: Beauty and the Beast
Newly-formed Community Choir's First Concert
Celebrate with the Christmas Concert on the Coast
David Goheen on Quackery, Placebos and Elixirs: A Brief History of Medical Charlatanism
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Lecture Series 2008 Schedule
Thanks and Kudos to Cast and Crew of "Beauty and the Beast"
- Editorial
Masthead, Wish List, Thank You
A New Order of See's Chocolates
Art in the Redwoods Art Exhibit Winners' Calendars on Sale!
- Applauding These Special Memberships
Membership Chair Change
Giving at Many Levels
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Meet Your Workshop Instructors
- Coming in December, January & February
Don't miss seeing "Beauty and the Beast" in December!
- Classes
Letters from the Library
New Equipment Makes Workshops and Meetings Even Better
- Interest Groups
- Volunteers of the Month: Jan Harris
- Call to Artists
- Gualala Arts Center 2008 Exhibits
Dolphin Gallery Exhibits for 2008
- Festival of Trees Marketplace
Festival De Arboles - en Español
- "Alternatives" Photography Exhibit in the Burnett Gallery
November 2007
- Festival of Trees Marketplace
- Festival of Trees Marketplace (con't)
- Carmina Slovenica Concert
Chamber Music Series presents: Jupiter Trio
Healthy Family and Aging Information and Resource Faire
Nature and Wildlife Photography of Northern California with Siegfried Matull
- Editorial: Celebrating Art
2007 Studio Discovery Tour Even Better
Welcome Two New Mendonoma Idols
Masthead, Wish List
- Interest Groups
- Classes
Letters from the Library
Community Choir
- Coming in November, December & January
Cast of "Beauty and the Beast" Announced
- Workshops
- Volunteers of the Month: Jean Whitridge
- Call to Artists
- Exhibits:
Holiday Quilts - Jacob Foyer
Multi-Artist Exhibit - Lodge Gallery
Fibers and Photos - Dolphin Gallery
Dolphin Gallery Holiday Boutique
- Shops & Galleries Holiday Showcase - Burnett Gallery
October 2007
- Musicians Rehearse for Tribute to Modern Jazz Quartet Concert
- Lectures:
Evolving Creatively as an Artist, by Fred Graff
Around the World in 84 Days, by Richard Kuehn and Dean Schuler
- Tribute to the Modern Jazz Quartet
Chamber Music Concert by Roy Bogas
Festival of Trees
- Editorial: The ART of FUNdraising
Saying Thanks to our Sponsors
Masthead, Wish List, Thank You to Nancy Spencer
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't) & Plans for the 2008 Gualala Arts Calendar
- Classes & Art in the Redwoods Report
- Volunteers of the Month: Robert Holmes and Jerry Erickson
- Call to Artists:
Out of the Box Exhibit
A Garden of Poetry Exhibit
Annual Quilt Challenge Announced
- Exhibits:
"Marrried to the Muse" - Hal & Jan Fogel - Burnett Gallery
"Heroines, Ingénues & Leading Ladies" - Jim Vickery - Jacob Foyer
Jane Head and Barbara Tocher - Dolphin Gallery
2-D and 3-D Artists - Lodge Gallery
- Coming in October, November & December
September 2007
- Cover: Studio Discovery Tour
- English Handbell Performance by Michèle Sharik
The Physics of Musical Instruments with Bryant Hichwa
- Come Applaud for the Mendonoma Idol 2007 Live and Onstage!
Premier Performance in Tribute to The Modern Jazz Quartet
- Editorial, Masthead
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- 2007 Volunteer of the Year: Helen Klembeck
- 2007 Volunteer Team of the Year: The Staff at the Dolphin
- Discover Turkey By Land and Sea
- Discover Turkey (con't)
- Classes
The Gualala Arts Library
- Call to Artists
- Studio Discovery Tour
Wood Creations 2007 - Burnett Gallery
Bill Elmore Paintings in the Jacob Foyer
- Looking Back at Art in the Redwoods 2007
- Coming in September, October & November
August 2007
- Art in the Redwoods Judges Announced for Fine Art Show
- Editorial, Masthead,
Volunteers Needed For Art In The Redwoods, Library Gets New Leadership, Arts Center Closed 8/10-17, Thank You Volunteers Party
- Interest Groups
- Classes,
Tribute to The Modern Jazz Quartet, Ralph Schwartz, in memoriam
46th Annual Art in the Redwoods Festival - pull out section
- Thursday, August 16: Top Hat Dinner
- Friday, August 17: Champagne Preview
- Saturday, August 18: Festival Weekend
- Sunday, August 19: Festival Weekend
- Workshops
- Calls to Artists
- Exhibits
- Pastels By Adelle Platt and Woodworks by Barry Semegran at Dolphin Gallery
- New Gallery At The Sea Ranch Lodge
- Coming in August, September & October
July 2007
- Roy Bogas and Friends to Return for Fifth Annual Summer Chamber Music Weekend
- Editorial, Masthead,
Guidelines for the new Tool Room, New Torii Gate Installed, See's Candy Now Available
- Bar-B-Que Dinner and Maria Muldaur Concert for One Night
Lecture: "Age-Proof Your Brain" with Arlene Taylor
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes, One Dinner for Two Groups
- Meeting Kathi and Duane Gordon - Volunteers
- Studio Discovery Tour Catalogs,
Next Summer Saturday Art Fest,
Summer Art Program for Youth,
Art in the Redoods Planning Well Underway
- Calls to Artists
- Exhibits
- Modern Art from China at the Dolphin Gallery
- Pressing Issues: California Society of Printmakers
- Coming in August & September
June 2007
- Six Performances of "The Diary of Anne Frank" Showcase Local Talent
- Editorial, Fan Mail, Masthead, etc.
- Maria Muldaur and her Red Hot Bluesiana Band in Concert
Lecture: There's A Hole In The Moral Ozone... and it's getting bigger
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes
Memorials for valued past members:
- Bill Darling Concert
- A Life of Grace - 1923-2006; Grace McMaster
- In Honor of Christine Owens
- Call to Artists
- Exhibits
- Beth Cohen and Michael Anderson at the Dolphin Gallery
- Collaborative Art Exhibit in the Jacob Foyer
- The Eleventh Annual Quilt Guild Challenge in the Burnett Gallery
- Coming in July & August
May 2007
- Three Marvelous Music Events in May
- The Highway One Jazz Choir
- Tres Podrugi - Three Friends - Canceled
- Broderick Ensemble
- Editorial: Carpe Diem - Seize the Day
- Memorial Concert & Reception Honoring Bill Darling
- A Life of Grace - 1923-2006; Celebrating the Life of Grace McMaster
- Corrections
- Lectures
- Botswana Safari Adventure with Steve Gadol
- Plein Air Painting with John Cosby
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes
Water Leak Discovered and Fixed Thanks to Volunteers
- Call to Artists
- Exhibits
- Tom Eckles & Karen Ryer at the Dolphin Gallery
- Layer Upon Layer: Recent Work by George-Ann Bowers, Jane Burton and Karin Lusnak
- High School Art in the Elaine Jacob Foyer
- Coming in June & July
April 2007
- Fifth Annual Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival Focuses on Women and Youth
Whale & Jazz Festival Insert:
- Thanks to the 2006 Legacy Donors
Officers and Board Directors, See's Candy, Thanks To...
- Concerts & Lectures
- Cypress String Quartet Returns to Gualala Arts
- Parasitic Diseases of Stranded Marine Mammals with Murray Dailey
- "Wild Moments, Wild Places" Lecture by Ralph Lee Hopkins
- Events
- Art of the Bouquet, A Spring Event
- Gilbert & Sullivan: The Aspects of Love
- Come for Lunch on Earth Day 2007
- Jazz Poet ruth weiss Performs with Trio
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes & Notes from the Dolphin
- Calls to Artists
- Exhibits
- Dolphin Gallery Presents Baskets Full of Dreams
- Personal Poetry Exhibit
- Ralph Lee Hopkins: Wild Moments, Wild Places
- Watercolor Exhibit in the Burnett Gallery
- Coming in May & June
March 2007
- Good News! - the Broadway Babes are Back
- Editorial,
Saving Paper with a New Program,
Make a Proposal for a Show,
Time to Register for the Art in the Redwoods Fine Art Exhibit
- Concerts
- The Fifth Annual Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival
- Chamber Music Concert by the Kirkwood Ensemble
- Concerts & Lectures
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes & Calls to Artists
- The Art of the Bouquet, a Gala Spring Event
Whale and Jazz Festival Tote Bag
Art in the Redwoods Timeline Changes
- Exhibits
- Whale & Jazz Poster Challenge
- Studio Tour Cover Contest Exhibit
- Tim Brody and Beatrice Curran at the Dolphin Gallery
- Coming in April & May
February 2007
- Spotlight on Workshops
- Editorial, Donate, Thank You, As a Member of Gualala Arts...
New Tax Break for IRA Owners for 2006-07
- Mendocino Chamber Opera Presents Two One-Act Comic Operas
The Miao Embroidery and People of Guizhou Province, China
Chamber Music Concert with Axel Strauss and Roy Bogas
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes
- Calls to Artists
- The Art of the Bouquet
Introducing Scott Chieffo as Festival & Events Coordinator
Bruce Jones's Introduction as given at the Wet Paint Exhibit
- Elementary Schools Art Exhibit
Ring of Fire Metalworkers' Exhibit
Walt Rush and Barbara Ward-Clark at the Dolphin Gallery
- Coming in March & April
January 2007
- Winners Galore at Gualala Arts
- Editorial, Thank You, Wish List, Grounds Crew Report
Generous Donation Kicks off Fund Drive
- S.F. Opera Capriccio Quartet to Appear in Return Performance
Magic Explained by Marty Covington
- Meet the New Candidates for the Board of Gualala Arts
With Gratitude to These Members
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes
- Calls to Artists
- WAQ, WOOD, and Wow Exhibit (Dolphin Gallery)
Gualala Arts IS - Instructors' Show (Burnett Gallery)
Dolphin Gallery 2007 Exhibit Calendar
Volunteers of the Month - Bobbie Penney and Suzanne Hansen
- Third Annual Festival of Trees in Review
- Coming in February & March
December 2006
- Local Thespians Shine in "The Secret Garden"
- Editorial, Thank You, Wish List, Web Statistics
New Ticket Pricing Procedures
- A Choral Music Program for the Holidays
"Festival of Nine Lessons" on Christmas Eve
- Volunteer of the Month: Lynne Atkins - The Play's the Thing
Hansine Pedersen Goran Lecture on Carpets for Hearts and Minds
- Workshops
- Classes & Interest Groups
- Call to Artists
- Coming in January & February
November 2006
- A Wreath of Holiday Events at Gualala Arts
- Festival of Trees (see insert below)
- Community Chorus
- Dolphin Holiday Boutique
- Nine Lessons
- The Secret Garden (see page 4)
- Editorial, Thank You, Wish List
Maintaining the Building and Grounds
- Pianist Frank Wiens Returns to Gualala Arts,
Sunday, November 12, at 4 p.m.
Riley Lee Shakuhachi Concert,
Saturday, November 4 at 7:30 p.m.
- An Autumn Evening with Brother Toby McCarroll,
Monday, November 13, 7:00 pm.
Come To "The Secret Garden" And Witness The Wonder There!
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes & Gualala Arts Library
- Call to Artists
- The Days of the Dolphin
A Huge Thank You to Ralph Schwartz
- Art Exhibits for 2007 at Gualala Arts
Two Awards Given to Artists in the Environmental Art Exhibit
- Coming in December & January
October 2006
- Gualala Arts, a Work in Progress
- Editorial
Festival of Trees - Raffle Tickets
Thank You to Art in the Redwoods Chairpersons
- Chamber Music Series Presents Tao Lin in a Piano Concert
Award Ceremony for Creative Writers Contest Winners
Celebrate with the 2006 Earth Fair
- Alzheimer Artists - Lecture by S. Micheal Pope
Lecture Series: "Magic in Malaysia," with Diane Wickstrom
- Plan now to take part in the Festival of Trees in November
Dedication of the Karel Metcalf Garden Terrace
- A Closer Look at Three Outstanding Gualala Arts Volunteers:
Harriet Wright, Duane Gordon and Lee Kosso
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes & Wrap-up to Art in the Redwoods Festival
- 2006 Art in the Redwoods Festival Photos
- Call to Artists
- Call to Artists (con't)
- Love and Hate - Construction and Destruction: Forces at Work in America Today
Adamé & Goode Abstracts - a Paean to the Gualala Area
- Photography and Fused Glass Exhibit at the Dolphin Gallery
Final 2006 Summer Art Fest
- Coming in November & December
September 2006
- Third Annual Environmental Art Show With New Ideas
- Editorial
Lost and Found Box Overflowing
- Organic (R)evolution Through Sustainable Fabrics with Harmony Susalla
Dame Cleo Laine & Sir John Dankworth Jazz Concert
First Mendonoma Idol Finale
- Chamber Music Series 2006 - 2007 Program
David McCarroll on Violin & Mary Elliott on Cello Opens Chamber Music Season
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't) & Classes
- Call to Artists & Writers
Fourteenth Annual Studio Discovery Tour Begins in September
- A Million Reasons for Buying Art
- Making It with Mud at Gualala Arts
- September Show at the Dolphin Gallery
Exhibit by Alzheimers Artists
- Coming in October & November
Special Issue for 45th Art in the Redwoods Festival
August 2006
- Winner of the Rainbow Dreams Quilt to be Announced
- Editorial
Enrich your Life by Volunteering at Gualala Arts
- Tickets on Sale for Dame Cleo Laine & Sir John Dankworth Concert
Anchor Bay Children's Choir at a Showing of Les Choristes
Don't miss this chance! "Park Your Car in Harvard Yard"
- Interest Groups & Classes
Welcome to the Art in the Redwoods 45th Annual Festival
- Friday, August 18
- Saturday, August 19
- Sunday, August 20
- Quilt Rafle Tickets
- 12 Reasons for You to Have a Membership in Gualala Arts
- Call to Artists - Writers - Singers
- Local Artists Are Prepared for This Year's Studio Discovery Tour
Kibbe and Jones Reflections of Silk and Metal Show at the Dolphin Gallery
- Coming in September and October
July 2006
- Park your Car in Harvard Yard - A Dramody Runs from July 21 - 30
- Editorial: "Let's Party"
- Roy Bogas and Friends to Return for Fourth Annual Gualala Chamber Music Weekend
Michael Nagler Lecture "Peace From Within"
Report from the Committee for Fund Raising
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Classes
- Call to Artists
- A Series of Events Honoring the Concept of Giri: Giving Back - Going Forward
Judith Greenleaf Exhibit at the Dolphin Gallery
North Coast Artist Guild News
Summer Saturday Art Fest, July 1st
- Coming in August and September
June 2006
- Work on the Karel Metcalf Terrace Resumes
- Editorial: "We are diminished" - Christina Ruth Smith-Owings
Art Center Theater's Closet Runneth Over, Taking a Poll,
Web Report, Goodwill Spies Needed, Special Thanks!
- 5/30: SRJC's Acting Class Recital
6/12: Photos of Africa, with Lynne & Jim Edwards
Audition Material Available for Art Center Theater's Winter Show
- Classes
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Gualala Arts' Summer Art Program for Youth
- Call to Artists: Art in the Redwoods
- Call to Artists:
- 6/10: Artist Marketing & Public Relations Seminar
- 6/11: Setting the Stage in an Art Studio
- 9/9 - 10/8: Environmental Art
- 10/14 - 11/5: Love and Hate
- Exhibits:
- Glass Sculptures and Animal Photographs at the Dolphin Gallery
- 4 x 4 x 12 by 3 x 3 x 9 Artquilts in the Burnett Gallery
- Coming in July and August
May 2006
- Alexander String Quartet Ends Chamber Music Winter Series
- Editorial, Spring Indoor Yard Sale, Web Report, Raffle Drawing Winner, Wish List
- Helen Klembeck: Volunteer of the Month
An Arctic Evening with Steve Gadol
A Huge Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in the Success of the Whale & Jazz Festival
- Dinner at the Castle
High School Students present "Ivanha"
Highway One Jazz Choir Concert
Solving Prolems with Building Permits for the Next Phase of Construction
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
- Judges Announced for Art in the Redwoods
Gualala Arts' Summer Art Program for Youth
- Call to Artists
- Art in the Redwoods Updates & Information
- Applications Still Being Accepted for Summer Saturday Art Fests
- Jazz Series Logo Contest Open
- Love & Hate Exhibit Open for Registration
- Time to Submit Exhibit Proposals for 2007
- Spring Brings High School Art Exhibit
"Rural Mural" Project by Pacific Charter School Students to be Unveiled
- Bay Area Basket Makers Exhibit May 13 - June 4
Jeani Martini and Mark Farmer at the Dolphin Gallery
- Coming in June and July
April 2006
- The Whole Coast Celebrates April as Poetry and Jazz Month
- Editorial, Thanks, Web Report, Raffle Drawing, Wish List, The Board of Gualala Arts
- Brubeck Brothers Quartet,
Jacques Thibaud String Trio
- Jane Hirshfield Headlines National Poetry Month Festivities
Seventh Annual Gualala Arts Young Artists Scholarship Announced
Easy Ways to Donate to Gualala Arts
Second Annual "Another Side of Verse"
- Local Group Brings Hope to AIDS Orphans
Photographer Ralph Lee Hopkins Lecture
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Workshops (con't)
Broad(er)sides Exhibit Opens Poetry Month
- Call to Artist
- Jazz Series Logo Contest Open
- Applications Now Due for Summer Saturday Art Fests
- Applications for Vendor Booths for Art in the Redwoods Mailed
- Love & Hate: Construction and Destruction: Forces at Work in America Today Exhibit
- Art in the Redwoods
- Time to Submit Exhibit Proposals for 2007
- Dolphin Gallery Showing Bruce Jones and Roy Austin
Exciting Baulines Craft Guild Exhibit
- Interview with Suzan Friedland
- Coming in May and June
March 2006
- Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival
- Annual Members' Board Meeting
The Gualala Arts Center Needs You!
Thank You
- Fabulous Blendos Make Winter Magical
The Art of Possibility - David Skibbins lecture
Nadya Tichman & Roy Bogas Concert
- Two Evenings of Cabaret Entertainment
"Gualala Arts Life and Patron Members Appreciation Dinner" was a success!
Recycle Your Art and Second-hand Sale
- Hot New Changes on the Website
Hide the Butt Contest
Rent the Arts Center for Your Event
Raffle Tickets for the Bike
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Call to Artists:
• Summer Saturday Art Fests
• Art in the Redwoods Vendor Booths
• Love & Hate: Construction and Destruction / Forces at Work in America Today
- Call to Artists (continued):
• Broad(er)sides Exhibit
• Art in the Redwoods
• Time to get Exhibit Proposals Submitted for 2007
Hansine Goran Lectures at the San Francisco de Young Museum in January
North Coast Artists Guild News & Artists Exhibits
- Harmony Susalla Introduces a New Line of Fabrics at the de Young Museum in March
Report on the North Coast Artists Guild Questionnaire
- Gallery Openings:
• 3/04 Dolphin Gallery: All God's Creatures Exhibit with Beva Farmer, Tony Green and Ellen Soule
• 3/10 Burnett Gallery: Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild Tenth Anniversary Exhibit
- Coming in April & May
February 2006
- A Merry-go-Round of Exciting Events on the Thirteenth
- Hearts for Arts noon - 5 p.m.
- Exhibits Opening Reception 5 - 7 p.m.
- Lecture on Tiny Homes 7:00 p.m.
- Concert: San Francisco Opera Capriccio Quartet &
Awards, Thanks, Wish List, Sketches masthead
- Beauty and Truth - Medical and Fine Art Illustration Lecture by Genny Wilson
Texas Jon's Charter School Benefit Folksong Concert
"Annie, You Turned on the Fun for Us!" A Huge Extra Thank-You
- Interest Groups
- Workshops
- Art News:
- Wet Paint - The Best of 2005 Winners
- Small Works Exhibit Dates
- Call to Artists: Broad(er)sides Exhibit
- Call to Artists: Art in the Redwoods
- Looking ahead: Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival (April 1)
- Interview with Bruce Jones, President of Gualala Arts Board
- Coming in March
January 2006
- 2006 Begins with Changes in Membership Rates
- Concerts: January 21 & 29
- Lecture: Disaster Preparedness
Festival of Trees an Enormous Success!
- Interest Groups
Congratulations to the GAC Theater Members on the Production of Annie
- Santa Rosa Junior College Extension Classes at Gualala Arts Center
- Art News:
- Heick - Macauley Photo Show (Jan 14 - Feb 5)
- Lars Johnson Paintings (Jan 14 - Feb 5)
- Last Call to Artists for Small Works Exhibit (Feb 11 - Mar 5)
- Call to Artists for Broad(er)sides Show (Apr 8 - May 8)
- Art News (con't):
- Frank Schueler Sculpture Show at the Dolphin (Jan 14 - Mar 1)
- Hearts for Arts - A Call for Artists and Vendors (Feb 11)
- Dolphin Holiday Boutique (through Dec 31)
- 2006 Exhibits at the Dolphin Gallery
- Coming in February
Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival (Apr 1)
Previous Editions: 2004-2005
December 2005
November 2005
earlier 2005