Gualala Arts
Lecture Series presents:
Garcia River Restoration Update
with Craig Bell
Thursday, April 5, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Admission is $5
It has been three years since Garcia River Watershed Coordinator Craig Bell has given an update on the unique project that involves loggers, ranchers, environmentalists, fishermen and corporate interests in this worthwhile project. Bell's talk on Thursday, April 5, will not be limited to what is happening on the Garcia, but will also include information about a number of other rivers and streams along the Mendocino coast.
The cooperation among various groups not often thought of as working together makes this program particularly interesting. Earlier practices, especially those involving logging, seriously impacted a number of local rivers over many years. Conscious efforts to restore spawning grounds and shore up eroding banks have paid visible dividends in the recovery of steelhead, coho, chinook and even humpback salmon.
In his PowerPoint presentation, Bell will illustrate the effects of forming a watershed advisory group, of developing a restoration plan, and of training and employing local citizens in the restoration program, and attracting the interest of larger non-profit investment. A number of important firsts for California came out of local Garcia River efforts. So far the slowing economy has not affected the budget needed to continue this program.


Those who want to learn more about what is happening to salmon and steelhead on a number of our local rivers and those who want to know what steps are currently being taken to continue the restoration efforts should be sure to attend this talk. Bell plans to leave ample time for audience interaction on both topics. He is also knowledgeable about the federal, state, and private funding that underwrites the costs.
A former logger, commercial salmon fisherman and local steelhead guide for over twenty five years, Bell is in the ideal position to understand the viewpoints of all the stakeholders in this complex endeavor. He has served as President of the Salmonid Restoration Federation, as Chair of the Mendocino County Fish and Game Commission, and as consultant to the Conservation Fund, Pacific Watershed Associates and the California Department of Fish and Game.
A number of websites will provide pictures, reports and detailed analysis of the work done on Mendocino watersheds. Type "Garcia River Restoration" in your search engine and open the referenced documents.
Mr. Bell has been involved in salmon and steelhead recovery efforts for over thirty years and this may be the last chance to hear one of his presentations. A $5 admission will be collected at the door.
The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email
Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.