Lecture:  Richard Bower
"Sailing in the South Pacific"
April 19, 7:30 p.m.


Few people have the skill, courage, and sense of adventure to build a relatively small but comfortable boat and to sail across the South Pacific on a four-year journey. Richard Bower, a Canadian who has recently moved to this area, did just that in 1982 - and he has the pictures to prove it. A hurricane in La Paz, Mexico wrecked his newly-built boat and almost halted the trip before it had really begun. But Richard's dream was not so easily dismantled. He rebuilt the boat and sailed with his wife to Australia, returning to San Francisco after a four-year adventure.

Richard will use a series of remarkable slides to recount the highlights of his amazing journey. The slides, which Richard and his wife developed on board, show exotic places and breathtaking views that are never seen by commercial travelers.

Richard's presentation will take place at Gualala Arts Center on April 19 at 7:30 p.m. Donations of $5 per person will be accepted at the door.