Rupa & the April Fishes
Saturday, October 23, 2010
at the Gualala Arts Center
6:30 p.m. Doors open, 7:30 p.m. Performance
With their enchanting mix of chic French nouvelle vague, rousing Latin alternative grooves, energetic Gypsy swing and dreamy Indian ragas, this trend-setting band is spearheading a multicultural movement that is redefining the sound of contemporary music.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Rupa & the April Fishes create music that defies easy categorization. Their debut album, eXtraOrdinary rendition, echoes with influences of French chanson, Argentinean tango, Gypsy swing, American folk, Latin cumbias, and even Indian ragas. Their raucous and inviting performances have earned them a wide following in San Francisco, and they are
poised for international renown with the worldwide release of their album in April, 2008.
Rupa & the April Fishes is led by a young woman of Indian heritage whose nomadic upbringing and dual life as a musician and doctor has led her to explore issues of identity, borders, and the vagaries of life, love and death. Rupa's mother and father were originally from the Punjab region of northern India. They moved to the United States in the early 1970s, settling in the Bay Area, where Rupa was born.
When Rupa was four years old, her parents were struggling financially and sent her and her older brother back to India to live with Rupa's grandparents until they could get their feet back on the ground. Even though she looked like everyone else in her Indian elementary school, for the first time, Rupa was aware that she her American upbringing and lack of facility with the Hindi language made very different from her classmates. It was the first of many moments in her life when Rupa began thinking about issues of race and identity.
Rupa's parents fell in love with southern France and moved to Aix-En-Provence when she was ten years old. One of the few people of Indian descent in an area with a large Arab immigrant population, Rupa was immediately aware that the color of her skin led people to make judgments about her before she even opened her mouth. "I remember going into town with one of the ladies from my school" recalls Rupa, "and she said, 'Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you as Indian... otherwise they're going to think you're an Arab,' as if that was a horrible thing. I remember being ten years old and always very aware of race and how people perceived me, and how I perceived myself. Living in the south of France, people always assumed that I was either Roma (Gypsy), or Arab. And so I was always very aware of how people treated my shade of brown, and how I was developing my own concept of identity." After a couple of years in France, Rupa's family returned to California.
While Rupa began playing music when she was eight years old, she was also naturally adept at science. "When I was in second grade, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said 'A surgeon and a ballerina.' Growing up, I always struggled with trying to figure out what I was supposed to do, music or medicine." She decided to pursue a career in medicine at
the University of California at San Francisco, while simultaneously playing music with friends in local clubs and cafes.
Now a physician and teacher of medicine working in a hospital in San Francisco, Rupa has worked out a unique arrangement that allows her to divide her time between her passion for music and the creative arts with being a doctor.
While she first started by playing straightforward singer-songwriter material in English, Rupa was beginning to forge a new sound that was more representative of her complex identity, which she describes as a "mosaic". Rupa began writing in French, which she saw as "a way to separate myself melodically and rhythmically from the literal meaning of language. I wanted to learn to use
language as paint strokes, instead of actual literal words all the time. So I said to myself, 'what if I wrote in French as a way to explore music through the sound of the words, and the melody inherent in the language to see how that changes my writing.' It ended up allowing for a lot more immediate connection to the emotional intensity of what I was trying to convey. Through music was trying to explore what it meant to be growing up in all these different places with all these amazing stories and this family who dragged me all over the world. It's trying to give voice to those beautiful things that came through my heritage."
Rupa began playing solo in cafes until she joined up with cellist Ed Baskerville to form a duet. They played on the streets, in streetcars, art galleries, and other informal settings, "just as a way of getting myself comfortable with the street nature of the music I was writing, and how I wanted to communicate to people. My goal was even though I was writing in French I wanted people to understand it and to feel it. And that was sort of the surprise of this music, how accessible it was to people."
Eventually, the band grew to include a rotating roster of some of the Bay Area's most talented young musicians. The name the April Fishes was inspired by the French term les poissons d'avril, which is related to the English term April Fools. In France on the first of April, people stick little paper fishes on unsuspecting people's backs. "The origin of that is disputed, Rupa explains, "but one of the stories is that when a French king changed to the Roman calendar from the pagan calendar that was in wide use at the time some people still wanted to celebrate the New Year in April. So these are the people who would give the fishes, the April fish, to celebrate the beginning of the New Year. We were feeling like April fishes - people who don't believe the reality that's handed to them by some higher order, people who continue to insist on their own reality. It's a political and social commentary."
With its polyglot influences, the music of Rupa & the April Fishes reflects Rupa's interest in the arbitrary nature of borders and how they artificially create differences and divisions between people who are at core the same. The result reflects her hope for the future, a world with dissolving borders, where the essential humanness of any person or group can be heard or seen before labels and dividing lines are drawn. Rupa's music is a pastiche of sounds and impressions - undeniably full of heart - with subject matters ranging from love and loss in a time of uncertainty to stories of people in transition.
For more information, visit
Rupa & the April Fishes.
Tickets are $28 in advance, $5 more on the day of the performance;
international appetizer buffet included in ticket price.
Youth 7 to 17 are admitted free.
For advance purchase, go to
Brown Paper Tickets
or call them at 800-838-3006.
To purchase in person, visit the Gualala Arts Center or Dolphin Gallery in Gualala.

Daniel Pearl World Music Days
Harmony for Humanity
Rupa & the April Fishes
Gualala Arts Center
October, 2010
More photos on
The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email
Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.