Ninth Annual
Whale & Jazz Festival
A Whale of an Evening
Gualala Arts Center
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Come for a reception at 6:30 p.m. to view whale-related art by students from Pacific Community Charter Schools and the whimsical Whale & Jazz sculptures, Bubba Grey and the Blowholes by Colvin Pitts.
At 7:00 p.m., Fred Andrews, noted whale docent and MacKerricher State Park Interpreter, will host a slide-lecture on the annual gray whale migration illustrated with whale baleen and bone.
The film For the Whales will follow the slide-lecture, presenting whale-inspired original music by John Cage and other leading composers, poetry and prose of various authors as well as sculpture and paintings of prominent artists. Also featured is rare footage of a Kwakiutl potlatch whale dance along with the whale art of the ancient Peruvian and Inuit cultures, while stunning footage of whales in their natural environment reveals their magnificence and indescribable beauty.
Age appropriate for students through adults. Coffee, tea and light refreshments served. $5.00 suggested donation for the evening. (707) 884-1138
Pacific Community Charter Schools
The Pacific School weaves the fine arts into every aspect of the curriculum. Students acquire cultural literacy through the study of aesthetics, cultural heritage and the history of visual and performing arts, including the impact of the arts on societies worldwide.
Pacific School students work in expressive modes in visual art, music, drama and theater, dance and movement. Arts curriculum is integrated into all subject areas and may include printmaking, bookmaking and illustration, life drawing, sculpture and pottery, collage, painting, music appreciation, basic musical notation and theory, lyric writing, choral ensembles, vocal training, piano and other instrument instruction, dance, play production and other forms determined by faculty, parents and the community.
The students are delighted to provide whale-related art for this special evening and for the Whale & Jazz Festival.
Colvin Pitts - Bubba Grey and the Blowholes
"Sculpture has been a passion for nearly all of my life. My sculptural work combines elements of imagination, nature, whimsy, and often the fantastic." For the Whale and Jazz Festival, I am proud to present a new sculptural ensemble, Bubba Grey and the Blowholes.
My inspiration and ideas are drawn primarily from two areas. The first of these areas is my imaginative childhood (perhaps overly so), where I found that any reality could be created from nothing more than boards, nails, sticks and some baling wire. While I may no longer face dragons disguised as oak trees, the memories and ideas remain and are expressed in much of my work. The second source of inspiration is the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. The outdoors has always served as a haven whenever one was needed.
Fred Andrews - State Park Interpreter
Andrews has extensive experience in the field of interpretation. He has
planned and conducted countless natural and cultural history talks and
walks, campfire programs, lectures, public outreach program, special events,
school field trips and several outdoor recreation exhibits.
Born and raised in San Diego, CA, Andrews graduated from San Diego State
University with a bachelor's degree in Recreation Administration (Outdoor
Emphasis). He completed course work in interpretation, outdoor education,
parks and recreation management, biology, geology, geography and history and
has worked for the National Park Service at Cabrillo National Monument, the
Tijuana River Visitor Center, Imperial Beach, as an Interpretive Specialist
at Old Town San Diego Park, Pio Pico State Historic Park and currently as a
State Park Interpreter II at MacKerricher State Park as the District
Interpreter for the Mendocino District of California State Parks.
Interpretation is dedicated to making connections between people and natural
and cultural resources. Fred works to get people to care about the state
parks they are visiting.
"For the Whales"
The film "For the Whales" will follow the slide-lecture presentation,
featuring whale inspired original music by John Cage and other leading
composers, poetry and prose of various authors as well as sculpture and
paintings of prominent artists. Also featured is rare footage of a Kwakiutl
potlatch whale dance along with the whale art of the ancient Peruvian and
Inuit cultures, while stunning footage of whales in their natural
environment reveals their magnificence and indescribable beauty. "Utterly
quirky, informative and delightful." - Variety
The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email
Join us in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Gualala Arts, 1961 - 2011
Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.