Sidney J.P. Hollister, Photography
Zola de Firmian, Ceramics
June 3 - July 31, 2011
Other Venues: Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
Gualala Arts will present an exhibit at The Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery beginning June 3, 2011, featuring the photography of San Francisco resident Sidney J.P. Hollister and ceramics by Manchester artist Zola de Firmian. The exhibit will continue through July 31.
Sid Hollister's interest in photography began in the early '60s when he was an editor for the Sierra Club magazine. The Sierra Club had already published several large-format photography books and had an extensive archive of photographs by Cedric Wright, Ansel Adams, Philip Hyde and others. These were Hollister's first influences.
In the '80s, Sid bought a Nikon FE2 and several years later he found his first subject - the Montezuma Hills in the Sacramento Delta. Covering almost 400 square miles, the Hills drew him back many times in the intervening years to enjoy the space and solitude. Some of the photos on display will be from this series.
More recently, Sid's love of the ocean and the beaches became his focus. In his own words:
"Finding images in the interaction of sand, water, and light has made me aware of a musical quality in the way light modulates form and color. If I am lucky and good enough, I discover images that suggest both water's musical movement and, in the balance between that movement and the sand and rocks on the beach, a meditative stillness."
Hollister has a MA in cinema from San Francisco State. His extensive background in film led him to help create the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival, which he has worked on as a volunteer since 2004.
Sid's photography will be on display at The Front Gallery at The Sea Ranch Lodge through July.
For more information, visit his website,
Zola de Firmian hand-builds or casts, then carves her stoneware and porcelain designs. Each one-of-a-kind piece reflects a deep connection with the natural world and a love for color. Vessels and custom tile mural designs are Zola's main current focus.
Zola began making pots in the Arizona mountains, digging red clay near her grandparents spring when she was a young child.
Zola shows her work on the North Coast Artist Guild's annual Studio Discovery Tour (the first 2 weekends of September). She received a B.A, in Humanities with emphasis in Ceramic Arts from Dominican University, San Rafael, CA. She also is Certified Environmental Educator. In 2005 and 2006 she curated the Gualala Arts Environmental Exhibit.
In her own words, Zola explains her relationship with clay:
"My relationship with clay has always been intense, thrilling, and intriguing. Clay's an amazing medium, with its overlay of technical-chemical balancing, thrown together with fire and self. There's mystery here. It's my ancient love."
For more information, visit her website,
The Sea Ranch Lodge is located at
60 Sea Walk Drive, Sea Ranch, California 95497
Please call (707) 785-2371 for more information.