Studio Discovery Tour Preview
August 3 - September 30, 2010
Other Venues: Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
You can get a preview of the North Coast Artists' Guild
Studio Discovery Tour
by stopping at The Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery to preview the work of this year's Studio Discovery Tour artists. The exhibit will be on display during the months of August and September.
In 2010, the Studio Discovery Tour will be September 4-6 and 11-12. The Tour always draws exceptional artists who open their creative studios to the public. Colorful and intriguing artists from potters and blacksmiths, weavers and paper workers to painters, sculptors, wood turners and photographers participate. Every year, new artists join the tour, keeping the experience fresh and full of surprises. This year 43 artists will open their studios to the public.
A free full-color catalog will help you make the most out of your tour. It contains a description of each artist, along with a detailed map and directions to each studio.
You can begin your adventure by stopping at the Sea Ranch Lodge (southern border of the Tour) or the Artist's Collective in Elk (northern border of the Tour) to preview the work of Studio Tour artists and to pick up extra catalogs with maps. Catalogs will also be available at the Gualala Arts Center, the Mendocino Art Center, and various local galleries and businesses along the way.
Once the catalog has been published, you can download the pdf version and preview individual artists at the official Studio Discovery Tour website,
To receive your catalog by mail, so you can begin planning your own personal tour, e-mail the
Tour Director, Scott Chieffo, at
or call the Gualala Arts Center at 707-884-1138.
The Sea Ranch Lodge is located at
60 Sea Walk Drive, Sea Ranch, California 95497
Please call (707) 785-2371 for more information.