Scott Chieffo, photography CE & Bill Brown, stone sculpture
January - March, 2010
Other Venues: Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery
The Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery will host a free exhibit of Scott Chieffo's photography and the stone sculptures of CE and Bill Brown. The Front Gallery exhibits are sponsored in association with Gualala Arts.
About Scott Chieffo
In the six years that he has been living on the Mendocino Coast, Scott Chieffo has developed an intimate photographic relationship with its unique landscape. His images capture the subtle beauty of the coast with a highly unique, "painterly" style.
"Photography is the ultimate means of getting in touch with myself and the world around me. Through the camera's viewfinder, I am able to see the beauty of the natural world with a unique intimacy. My main photographic goal is to be able to communicate this unique viewpoint to others, such that they are able to look upon my images, and develop a new and stronger appreciation for life's details. I believe that a fine art photographic image is most powerful if it can be viewed with increasing pleasure over and over again for many years, rather than simply have a strong initial impact."
"When I go into the field, I rarely carry any strongly preconceived ideas about subject matter for my images. I study the light, as it falls upon the landscape, and look for ways in which it may bring out the hidden beauty around me. When things are going well, I literally enter a meditative state of mind, which allows me to create images that communicate the subtle emotions aroused by the scene surrounding me."
Scott was born and raised in Southern California, and has lived most of his adult life in various Northern California locations. His degree in Environmental Biology sparked a strong interest in the natural world that has continually grown throughout his life. He received his first 35mm SLR camera as a college graduation gift more than twenty years ago and has been seriously photographing the natural world ever since.
For the past several years, Scott has shown his fine art photography prints at art festivals, galleries and exhibits along the west coast. His work is represented in private collections throughout the United States and beyond.
Scott will also be showing at the
Dolphin Gallery June 6-30.
About CE Brown
Carving stone is the hardest physical work I've ever done,
and ordinarily, I just abhor sweat.
But I have to admit,
I do like the macho "hammer-and-chisel" of it all.
And I adore the stone itself... the bones of the planet.
So now I'm rockin' the stone.
And I don't think I can stop.
About Bill Brown
My first exuberant piece of art was created at age five, under the tutelage of the summer crafts program at Lincoln Park in Alameda. It was a ceramic leaf impression. I hope Mother still has it.
There was a bit of a set-back in high school when the art teacher demeaned my work and humbled my enthusiasm with a bad grade.
But college brought new opportunity in the form of an Art History tour of Europe with 12 units of "A" pretty much guaranteed. And there were only two guys on the tour with a bevy of beautiful coeds. But that's another story.
A few decades went by, and the Love of My Life suggested that we try stone sculpture. I thought, "What the hey." So here we are, pounding the stones.
Now I'm looking forward to the time of my first retrospective at MOMA.
High hopes never hurt.
The Sea Ranch Lodge is located at
60 Sea Walk Drive, Sea Ranch, California 95497
Please call (707) 785-2371 for more information.