Gallery Exhibit: 
George-Ann Bower (weavings)
January 17 through February 16


Gualala Arts will open a weaving exhibition by George-Ann Bower with a reception on Saturday, January 17 from 5 to 7 p.m. Rooted in Berkley, California, George-Ann has spent most of her life diving into the wonderful world of art. She ultimately channeled into textile art, choosing weaving as her area of concentration. She spent some time honing her skills at the California College of Arts, Fiberworks Center for the Textile Arts, and Pacific Basin School of Textile Arts.

Bowerâs work has been featured in the Guild Designersâ Source Book as well as newspapers and several other publications. Her weavings, motivated by an ever-changing environment, are displayed in galleries across the country.

In describing her artwork and its extraction, she states, "Color, texture, pattern and form, my inspiration as they are expressed in nature, are the building blocks of my artwork." Gualala Arts is proud to present George-Ann Bowerâs intricate weavings, recreating elements in nature through the artistâs intent.

The show will remain through February 16. 

View images of the opening reception!