Quilts & Woodworking
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 7, 2012, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through February 1
Dolphin Gallery
The Dolphin Gallery will feature quilts from the Pacific Piecemakers and the creations of the Gualala Arts Woodworkers in the first show of 2012, opening Saturday, January 7 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and running through Wednesday, February 1, 2012.
Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild (PPQG)
About 20 quilters will display their small quilts (less than 18 X 36 inches) that fit the theme of "Mendonoma Magic," representing life on the Mendonoma Coast. The Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild is well-known on our coast. They participate in a variety of local to international shows where members win numerous awards.
Recently, Kaylynn Oleson's "California Dreaming" won first place in the Large Wall Hanging and Best Original Design categories at the Fort Bragg Quilt Show last May. Bee Goodrich won a first place for "Beach House" in the Challenge Group at the same show. Anita Kaplan received two ribbons in the Marin County Quilt Show. Her creation "Coney Island Abalone" took first place in the Small Innovative category.
Now numbering about 100 members, PPQG sponsors monthly programs that feature well-known quilt artists who bring their talents to our community through lectures, trunk shows and workshops open to the public. Talented guild members share their skills teaching basic and advanced classes to all who are interested.
Gualala Arts Woodworking Group
Also associated with Gualala Arts is the Gualala Arts Woodworking Group. The woodcarving group is a small but enthusiastic group of people who are exploring all styles of carving wood. Two woodturners and one woodcarver who have previously exhibited at both the Dolphin and Gualala Arts Center will participate in the show.
Roy Austin is a professional artistic woodturner who specializes in bowls, urns, platters and candelabras turned from natural sources of wood such as tree cuttings, burls, stumps, and driftwood. He has received numerous prizes at juried shows and is a member of the American Association of Woodturners.
David Windsor is a versatile woodworker who does a lot of woodturning. He uses the same types of wood as Roy and often incorporates other materials into his pieces. His work has been seen in "Art in the Redwoods" and "Wood Creations" shows. He is currently participating in a gallery show in Tucson.
Jim Tackett has been carving wood for about ten years. He does both detailed bird and animal carving as well as more stylized carvings. He uses basswood for detailed carvings and redwood or cypress for the stylized carvings. He is a member of the Sonoma County Woodcarvers.
The group encourages both beginning and experienced woodcarvers to join them and learn specific techniques. The members will provide tools, wood and instruction that will allow you to explore this craft. After members have gained sufficient skills they can pursue specific projects of interest. Although most of the work will be done with knives and gouges, power carving will be considered.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at
39225 Highway One in downtown Gualala, CA
(behind the post office on the south side).
Open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-3896 for more information.