Kathy Stock, Oils Dean Thompson, Mixed Media
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through March 3
Dolphin Gallery
The Dolphin Gallery will be showing the oils of Kathy Stock and mixed media from Dean Thompson from the opening February 6 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. through March 3.
About Kathy Stock
"Art is the common thread that has run throughout my life. Regardless of the diverse careers and journeys, it has always been the 'constant' that keeps me going. I was a very 'busy' child, and my mother, in her attempts to keep me occupied and who was herself an artist, would spend hours with me drawing, painting, and writing poetry. So art, whether dance, literature or visual, was the focus of my life since I can remember.
"I received my BA in fine art at San Francisco State University where I started out majoring in painting. In my studies of art history, I became entranced with the etchings of Rembrandt and Durer and the lithographs of Lautrec, and soon put painting on hold. I loved the challenges of limitation found in printmaking, especially the necessity of careful treatment and rendering with light and shadow when working in a single hue.
Following school, I packed up my printing press and headed for Alaska, where I had been born, but had left well before I was able to hold onto any real memories. I lived in Ketchikan, a small town in the southeast where everyone is from somewhere else. There I managed an art gallery by day and worked in my studio at night. My work was shown in Anchorage, Seattle, and Ketchikan and hangs in the Ketchikan Historical Museum.
"I returned to painting in oils many years ago because I missed the luminous quality of the color. I use a glazing method which allows me to layer the paint many times over, but still retain some of the qualities of the underlying colors. In addition, this allows me to find some of the beautiful subtleties and combinations of color not attainable through mixing. Although I work almost exclusively in oils, I do some pastel work as well, and recently began taking classes in glass fusing.
"My background as a graphic artist and printmaker comes through unmistakably in my work as a painter. I have always been fascinated by the ability of light and shadow in the physical world to inspire and create the abstraction of feelings, which populate and constitute our inner realities. My goal is to capture this moment in time so the physical experience is enhanced by the emotional world in which we actually live our lives. In addition, I feel my work attests to the statement made by Picasso that, "God is in the details." I interpret and apply this principle in my work such that it is the details which define the essence of an object. Therefore, detail for its own sake is meaningless. One of my primary challenges, then, is to capture the essence without becoming a slave to detail. I do not limit my subject matter, but try to convey this magic wherever and whenever I find it."
About Dean Thompson
"I was first inspired to be an artist by my Gramma Daisy when, at age five or so, I would sit at her side while she perfected her still life or worked her gigantic loom.
"Although I never was a weaver and never perfected my still life technique, her inspiration gave me permission to explore other ways to involve myself in the world of art and craft.
"My short lived attempts at making paper led to collecting hand made papers from around the world which I use for the covers of my hand bound journals.
"In Mexico I was inspired by the "animales," sculptures made from twigs and painted with bright colors and hundreds of dots. The "dreamtime" paintings of Australia's aboriginals spoke of their life in the outback using my friend, the dot. Twenty years later I continue to paint furniture using the dot motif.
"My pottery forms, all slab construction, are largely inspired by useful objects from ancient cultures."
The Dolphin Gallery is located at
39225 Highway One in downtown Gualala, CA
(behind the post office on the south side).
Open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-3896 for more information.