Tom Eckles (photography) & Karen Ryer (marble sculpture)
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 5, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through May 30
Dolphin Gallery
tom eckles...photographer
Images of our world noticed by me, shared with you; nothing more.
Photography was as present in my early life as were crayons. My father built a darkroom and time in the aromatic dark space fumbling with film and reels, paper and chemicals, had allure from age nine. Photography has been with me ever since.
My intention is to capture the WOW moments I see surrounding my path in life. I want to share those moments with you, even while knowing my images may speak differently to you than to me.
A technical note: I strive to share the scene I saw, unaltered, with the viewer. Therefore, I do not use filters to alter colors and I do not even crop the view from what I saw through my lens. What you see is what I saw.
But lately, I have manipulated a very few images beyond darkroom techniques. These images will be labeled "twisted" so you will know I have played with reality.
I do hope at least one of my photos captures your attention.
For more information check the website
Karen Ryer
Karen Ryer retired from the practice of law in the San Francisco Bay Area after nearly thirty years to pursue her artistic muse. She has for many years been a student of sculpture, and has experimented along the way with wood, metal and "found objects." However, she had not worked in stone until 1999. Since then, she has not met a stone she did not like.
Ms. Ryer has had many private shows and opened Withywindle Gallery in Guerneville in 2001, where she has had increasing success selling both her stone sculpture and that of others. She teaches basic stone carving, and has students enthusiastically working in the Bay area and runs intensive stone carving workshops all summer with sculptor-in-residence Ante Marinovic, world-renowned stone sculptor. She and her partner, Patricia Sargent, operate Stone Sculptors Supplies, a stone and tool supply house for stone carvers world-wide.
Her work has been purchased by collectors from Eastern Canada to San Francisco. Ms. Ryer's work is distinguished by the very fine fluid line and careful finish she lends to each piece of stone. Additionally, she encourages people to experience by touch the sensual beauty of each piece. Many of her pieces are bought for the sheer joy of the feel of the stone.
Ms. Ryer has carved all kinds of stone. Currently, she studies under the tutelage of Ante Marinovic, and is studying marble. For this show, she has created an entirely new series of sensuous forms in various white marbles.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at 39225 Highway One in downtown
Gualala, CA, behind the post office on the south side,
and is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call
(707) 884-3896 for more information.