Tim Brody (pastels) & Bea Curran (clay)
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 3, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through April 4
Dolphin Gallery
The Dolphin Gallery will have an exhibit of Tim Brody doing pastels and Bea Curran showing clay artwork from March 3 through April 4.
Tim Brody: Fine Art Pastel Landscapes
Artist Statement:
I paint both in the studio and on location. Composition provides the structure of the image. The quality of light influences everything. Value, temperature, edges, and color relationships are important elements. Photo-realism is not my goal however; the particulars of a scene are what convey its unique qualities and essence. An abstract shape configuration, an energy, or tonality suggests an "idea." I hold that "idea" in my mind's eye, allowing for the painting to take on a life of its own.
For me, the natural world conveys immensity, power, impermanence, and reconnection with our true spiritual nature, which is primordial wakefulness, clarity, and spaciousness. The fine art of being present to this nature is the guiding principle in my art. I paint to express appreciation for the precious opportunity to be present in a human body on this wonderful life-sustaining planet. I hope these paintings convey this state of mind or presence and offer a sense of peace, stillness, and equanimity.
Pastel is pure dry pigment with enough binder to hold into sticks that range from hard to soft. It is the same pigment used to make fine art paints (oil and watercolor), and is the most permanent of all media.
I love pastel for the amazing and unique qualities of luminosity that can be achieved by applying multiple layers of pigment (consisting of very fine crystals) onto lightly sanded paper, which gives it the ability to blend optically in the viewer's eye in beautiful and surprising ways. It allows me to express my vision in a primal and direct manner like the ancient cave painters of Lascaux, transmitting the human spirit through touch using charcoal and pure pigments from the earth in an unbroken lineage from their time to ours.
Bea Curran: Clay Artwork
Beatrice Curran's art is organic and flowing, allowing the viewer to continually discover something new in each piece. Beatrice, also known locally as "Bea," is a hand builder, using the slab and coil method to create her pieces.
"I am enamored with the piece as it unfolds in my hands. I rarely have an idea of what I want the piece to look like, it evolves and the clay and I create together."
She uses mainly two methods of finishing her work, the raku technique and the smolder fire process. Special glazes are used in the raku process;
copper glaze being one of Beatrice's favorites, although the environmental elements play a large part in what the actual color variations will be.
If the piece is to be pit fired it usually has been burnished
(polished with a smooth stone at leather hard stage) then bisqued and finally smoldered for several hours in sawdust. The smoke clouds create their own unique design on the vessel or mask.
This exhibit titled "SPIRIT" is in gratitude to the forces that encourage and lead Beatrice to create, transform and evolve.
A little more about Bea...
Searching many years of her adult life for a creative medium, Beatrice Acosta Curran, encountered her heart's passion at Brandybuck Ranch Studio in Point Arena , California. Under the tutelage of art instructor Kaye Like, she has been creating and experimenting with clay for the last six years.
She has participated in many art events on the Mendocino Coast, entering her work at Art in the Redwoods and Point Arena City Art Beaux Spirit.
She was awarded first place and judge's award, in the pottery division, at the 2005 Art in the Redwoods. Her 2004 show entitled "Surprises," at the Dolphin in Gualala was highly successful.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at 39225 Highway One in downtown
Gualala, behind the post office on the south side,
and is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call
(707) 884-3896 for more information.