WAQ, WOOD and Wow
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 6, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit remains through January 31
Dolphin Gallery
WAQ, WOOD & Wow - The unusual name comes from combining references to the two groups participating. WAQ is the Wednesday Afternoon Quilters and WOOD stands for Mendonoma Wood Workers.
The WOW must be because the artists and crafters participating are five couples who have chosen to pursue their creative interests after retirement. Those represented in this exhibit are Janet and Dave Windsor, Carol and Jim Tackett, Mary and Roy Austin, Janet and Bob Sears, and Marilyn and Ron Limbaugh.
Marilyn's quilt depicts a scene from Stickeen, the story John Muir published in 1897 after a long struggle writing what some consider the finest dog story ever written. Reissued many times in many formats, the book recounts his 1880 adventure on an Alaskan glacier with his canine companion. Ron's book is the first to reconstruct the original version, and sets the story in the context of Darwinism and the animal rights movement at the end of the 19th century.
Jim Tackett, an avid wood carver and wood worker, has spearheaded a Gualala Arts group called the Mendonoma Woodworkers, who meet twice a month on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. to share expertise and to improve their skills. Besides Tackett, wood turners Roy Austin and Dave Windsor and painter-photographer Bob Sears will exhibit pieces.
Carol Tackett, currently president of Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild, will hang samples of her work along with quilts by Mary Austin, Marilyn Limbaugh, Janet Sears, and Janet Windsor. The guild sponsors workshops and is an umbrella organization for quilters. The five women also gather weekly to work on their projects and call themselves the Wednesday Afternoon Quilters.
Nature photos taken by husbands Bob Sears, Jim Tackett and Dave Windsor provide inspiration for many of the quilts. After careers in a variety of fields that ranged from petroleum chemist to history professor, these individuals have found a compelling avocation to enrich their lives and to share with others in the exhibit.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at 39225 Highway One in downtown
Gualala, California, behind the post office on the south side,
and is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call
(707) 884-3896 for more information.