In March, the Dolphin Gallery will feature oil paintings by Jan
Krunic and clay sculpture by Steve Smith. Please join the artists for
wine and hors d'oeuvres at the opening reception on Saturday, March
5, from 5 to 7 p.m. The show will continue through March 30. There
is no admission charge.
After moving from Annapolis, CA, to Cloverdale,
CA, Jan Krunic began pursuing her artistic talents
after taking a drawing class in 2000. She soon discovered
her passion for painting with water-based
oils on canvas. She mostly paints from her own
photographs or other photos that interest her. Her
subjects range from landscapes, animals, flowers,
plants, and figures, and her frames are custom made
by Ted Gross (, using red oak.
She stains the frames herself to make them compatible
to each painting.
Steve Smith works in slab-built stoneware clay. He likes the spontaneity
and mutability of working with clay, and the unique quality and personal
signature of hand-built pieces. He has named this particular exhibition
"Clay Whimsy." His work is all high-fired, using glazes and oxides.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at 39225 Highway One in downtown
Gualala, and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call
884-3896 for more information.