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Gualala Arts

Promoting public interest and participation in the arts since 1961.

Archive of past events: 2004 through 2014


Gualala Arts Workshop
Making a Personal Shrine
Instructor: Carol Soth

Saturday - Sunday
November 6 - 7, 2010
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


To register
Call Gualala
Arts Center

Register by:   November 1, 2010
Tuition:   $90 members; $115 non-members
Materials fee:   $15
Materials list:   Materials for Making a Personal Shrine
Class size:   limited to 10

Personal Shrine This two day workshop will give participants an opportunity to create a personal shrine for themselves or a loved one using a wide variety of media including, but not limited to: collage, painting, found objects and personal memorabilia.

The class will begin with a look at the world of personal shrines and then explore and define our individual mythic journeys and how they will be reflected in the projects. Members of the class will start with a pre-existing blank shrine form such as a wooden box, basket or shadow box. Modification techniques will be demonstrated to enhance the shrine's shape. Then, using fabric, handmade papers and collage, etc. the class will spend the bulk of the weekend creating bringing their shrine to life.

About Carol Freya Soth

Carol uses an eclectic mix of handmade papers, found objects, silkscreen, printing, and collage to explore various mythic realms. She has been a storyteller, environmental educator, gypsy caravan traveler, farmer, librarian and card reader among other things. Carol's art work includes shrine making, handmade cards, collage, artist books and assemblages. She has worked with Mayan paper makers in Chiapas, led Myth-Informed Art workshops, Soulful Collage workshops, and had shows in Sante Fe and around the Southwest. She is currently an artist in residence at the Mendocino Art Center.

Artist's statement

From where do I get the inspiration for my work?
From large amounts of silence and solitude - having the space to hear the muse speak.
From being immersed in what nature has to offer - walking through canyons, sitting on hills, working in my gardens, sitting under very large trees.
From the Divine Feminine - wherever I find her (see nature above),
  whenever she finds me (see muse above).

See also: Gualala Arts Workshop Registration, Payment & Cancellation Policy.

The Gualala Arts Center, located at 46501 Old State Highway in Gualala, CA,
is open weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (707) 884-1138 for more information, or email

Serving the coastal communities of northern Sonoma & southern Mendocino Counties.